hink F. D. Commission Will Bridge Rideau io Rebuilding of Temporary "Structure Planned The temporary footbridge from rathcona Park to the Rideau Ten-s Club, much used by tennis play-s and residents of Overbrook, which as washed away last night by the ver. will not be replaced, according officials of the Rideau Tennis Club id F. X. Laderoute, local real estate aler. The bridge was first huilt in 1911 Mr Laderoute as part of the work developing Overbrook which was ien a subdivision, , Later It was ashed away and, was rebuilt by the iginal builder and the residents of verbrook combined with the mem-rs of the Rideau Tennis Club. , Now that it has gone again Mr. ideroute says that he will not at-mpt to rebuild or assist in rebuild-g it again.- In his estimation, the ans of the Federal District Commls-on to build a bridge a that point a strip of park which will be es-blished on the other side of the ver, will be greatly accelerated if no mporary structure is available. Mr. Laderoute also pointed out that .ere are 200 homes now in Overbrook id the temporary structure was not nger adequate. Rideau Tennis offl-als also expressed the belief that a rmanent bridge will be erected lortly there under the plans of the -deral District Commission.