erd Smith e r R Vander A aillenRonald Kaehler loan5? and $765000000 of commercial loans Events Ta Come: Talk on early East Bay transportation by Louis L Stein Berkeley druggist to the East Bay Electric Club at the Coit-Ramsey Hotel next Monday Discussion of Bay Area Industrial problems by Dr John C Bollens member of the faculty of the University of California department of political science to members of Alameda County Industries Inc next Tuesday Jan 17 at the Athens Athletic Club Annual dinner meeting of the Bay Area Council Thursday Jan 26 at-theJairmorit Hotel San ran-clsco V Of is CHARLES HOWE On the Job 55 ears Dean of Glass Workers: That might be the title that could be applied to Charles Howe of Oakland who will be among a group of glass workers to be honored by the Owens-Illinois Glass Company for long continuous service with It tonight at a banquet at the Palace Hotel inSan rancisco i Howe has been employed continuously by Owens-Illinois Glass and predecessor companies for 55 years He started with a predecessor company in 'San rancisco when bottles were blown by hand and before child labor was discon-tinued in California He was 9 years old He came to Oakland in 1937 when the company opened its modern factory op 36th avenue and discontinued its San B’ran-cisco operations 1 Howe will be one of 86 employees with service records ranging from 10 years up who will be honored Of that number 5G are Oakland plant employees The remainder are in the company’s sales fjrwl? administrative offices in San rancisco Here fo participate in the ceremonies Will be J I’resfon Levis president' of Owen-Illinois Glass Company who made a special trip from the: company headquarters in Toledo Ohio to be present Another oldtimer also employed in the Oakland plant who will be honored will be Nick Winton who will receive a 40-year emblem Others to be honored from Oakland will include Anton Bohen and Earl Tindall with 35 years of service and Blaine Conrad Haymond 'Corbin Nicolas Cuellar Thomas Dhimitri Alexander Eis-enzoph inley Ong Alex Peter-son ‘Costen Potesta and George with 25 years of service and a vice president of tlie In vestment Bankers Association of the United States erdi- y mind C Smith resident partner t in San rancisco of Merrill Lynch Pierce Jenner & B e a n n e and Rilph E V an Iler Aaillrn of Doug las van D Naiilen & Co President the exchange a be Here and Hereabouts Low bidder on channelization of the intersection of MacArthur boulevard and 73rd avenue and installation of traffic lights was the L H Leonardi Company of San Rafael with a bid of slightly over $13000 New president of the Bay Counties Tile Contractors’ Association is V H Winkenbach of Oakland Installed with him last night at a dinner meeting at the Hotel Leamington were Justin Casen-ave San rancisco vice president Wallac® Colthurst Oakland secretary and' legal counsel and Henry Mills of San rancisco Dick Dodge f Oakland lames Bussell of San Jose and P C Kooj man of Alameda directors The Oakland Inter-Service Council made up of representatives of more than a score ofjservice clubs will have as its president for this year Dr A R Reinke newly installed president of the Oakland Kiwanis Club Vice president Salas each i Twenty-year service pins will rhe awarded to 11 Oakland employees while 16 will gel 15-year pins and 16 will get 10-year pins 1 Presiding at the affair will be C G Bensinger vice president and general manager of the Pacific Coast division of Owens-IJlinois Y ’ 7 ex M K jJflt x 4" 91 Kt IP ’