50 no 00 00 00 oo 00 no oo oo oo oo on OS on no on o NFL Player limit (40) PALM SPRINGS. Calif. - The National Football Leaeue let a 40-player limit Thursday nignt and for tne ursi time in ns History recognized, in effect, the existence of the taxi squad. The vote on the 40-player limit followed hours of discussion by the club owners but eventually was unanimously adopted. The taxi squad, for tne bene fit of the uninitiated, is comH posed of players unable to make the big i team but are kept on hand for practice sessions and additions to tne regular team in the event of an emergency. These players can be signed by a ciuo but cannot De piacea under contract., i , ; .' , There is no limit to the 'num ber of players a club can carry on this taxi outfit under the measure adopted. A team can have as many olavers as It desires report for summer training but the first reduction of a squad will come Aug. 31 when the number will bo cut to 47. The squad wlQ be reaucea to 43 sept. 7 ana me final cut to 40 will coma Sept. 14. Commissioner Pete . Rozelle made the announcement. : Once a n aver is Disced on waivers he cannot be recalled. But If no one claims him. the original club can recall him aft er four weeks if It desires. There is no injury reserve rule in the NFL. The club can either have an injured player sit on tne bencn until ne is ready to play or he must be placed on the waiver list, v The limit in 1964 also was 40. But In a rather complicated system the policy was that where a team had four or mora Injured players, for every player over three. Injured it could have one renlacement. '. Head Coach Joe Kuharlch of the Philadelphia Eagles, mean time, predicted Uiat relations between college coaches and the NFL will be "better than ever now that the air has been cleared." S 8-3, al e-z. of 6-4.