Contest At Gig Harbor Meet for. Schools of Area Set for May 2 8 y Stuff Correspondent GIG HARBOR, April 26.-Gig Harbor school districts will hold, a community track meet. Friday, 2, at the Crescent Valley school with O. Sovde, chairman in charge of events. Schools toparticipate will be Crescent Valley, Narrows Bridge, Lincoln, Rosedale, Arletta, Cromwell, Union high eighth grade and Fox island. Boys' events will consist. of sprint, high and broad jump, pole vaule, shot put. and throw, girls,' sprint ball throw, and penmanship and spelling for both boys and girls. meet will open at 9 a. m. The The first ball game of the season to be played by the Horseshoe lake baseball team and the Olalla team will be on Sunday afternoon at 2 at the Hahn ball park, which is being sponsored by Arthur Hahn and managed by John Peterson. On the Horseshoe lake team are Billy Lysell, Don Ribbe, Elmer Skahan, Bob Langhelm, Clarence Guttormsen, Paul Alvestad. Bob and Art Hahn, Roland Spadoni, Fairfield Parkman, Kermit Lake, Jim Peterson, Bill Chessman and Francis Hahn.