BAPTISTS FIND THE CAUSES FOR MANY DIVORCES Booze, Lax Laws and Moving Pictures Blamed For Unhappy Marriages. Washington, May 17.-Motion pictures, lax laws and intemperance blamed for the numerous in the United States by the committee of temperance and social service in its the Southern Baptist convention today. Enactment of a uniform code of marriage, and divorce laws was recommended as a remedy. Quoting from government statistics number of obtained annually in the report divorces, shows that in 1916 when the figures were gathered there were 112,036 divorces. If later figures were available, the report continued, "the picture would doubtless be darker still, certainly this would be true of 1919 owing to the large number of hasty and foolish marriages contracted during the war." As a primary cause of "this sad condition" which is characterized as an "ugly spectre which looms on the horizon of our civilization," the report denounces the motion picture as now produced, declaring that "nearly every film put upon the screen contains somewhere some evil suggestion. Many of the films are based on the 'eternal triangle' and the suggestion of disregard if not an open breach of the marital relation." Liqquor has been "one prolific cause' of, divorce, according to the report, but this cause now is removed it says, "If we shall demand the enforcement of the law." Laxness the laws of marriage and divorce is "unquestionably one of the most fruitful causes of the prevalent and growing divorce evil." the report states, emphasizing the need of better laws regulating marriage. Many of the marriage and divorce laws of the States are described 48 "foolishly absurd." Amendment to the constitution to give the Federal government control over the matter la suggested but owing to the time this would require legislative enactment in the several States is recommended in the meantime. The report recommends among other things the publishing of the marriage bans for at least thirty days before the rite can be celebrated: physical examinations of cach party by a physician and the establishment of a uniform code which as nearly "should come to the basis as possible Bible teaching concerning the of of divorce with the right of ground marriage and that in all other cases when divorces be granted they be without the right of remarriage."