Nazis Murder 1,715 flOO Jews In 2 Years, Geneva Group Told 'Extermination Camps' in Upper Silesia Used Bathing Halls to Kill 2,000 to 8,000 Daily by Cyanide Gas, With Bodies Taken to Crematories NEW YORK, July 3 UP). A Geneva dispatch to the New York Times today said 1,715,000 Jews had been put to death by the Germans in upper ouesian extermination camps at Auscnwitz and Bxrkenau m two years ended April 15, 1944. The report was attributed to information reaching the International Church Movement Ecumenical Refugee Commission of Geneva and the Fluchtlingshilfe of Zurich Victims were said to have come from these countries: Poland, 900,-000; The Netherlands, 100,000; Greece, 45,000; France, 150,000; Belgium, 50,000; Germany, 60,000; Yugoslavia, Italy and Norway, 50,-000; Bohemia, Moravia and Austria, 30,000; Slovakia, 30,000; and foreign Jews from Polish concentration camps, 300,000. Yet another 120,000 Jews from Hungary were said to have been killed or died en route to Upper Silesia. The Ecumenical Commis-mion report said the Hungarian Jews were subjected to "malicious, fiendish, inhuman brutality." The Times story reported that many were worked to death. Execution halls at Auschwitz and Birkenau were said to be fake bathing establishments capable of dispatching 2,000 to 8,000 Jews daily. "Prisoners were led into cells and ordered to strip for bathing," the Times dispatch said, "then cyanide gas was said to have been released, causing death in three to five minutes. The bodies are burned in crematories that hold eight to 10 at a time. At Birkenau there are about 50 such furnaces. They were opened March 12, 1943, by a large party of Nazi chiefs who witnessed the 'disposal of 3,000 Jews from 9 a. m. until 7:30 p. m.,' according to the report." Captured Nazi General Facing Russian Trial NEW YORK, July 3 (INS). Major -General Haman, former commander at Nazi-occupied Orel and known as "Hangman Haman," is expected to be tried as a "war criminal," the British radio said today. Haman, who was captured at Bobruisk which fell to the Red Army last week, is accused of "responsibility for the mass slaughter of civilians and war prisoners of the Russian Army, which took place during his stay in Orel." "If he is found guilty, he will be hanged." added the broadcast heard by FCC. North Italy 'Security Belt' Area Reported LONDON, July 3 OF). The German Transocean News Agency declared today in a Berlin broadcast that a "security belt" two miles w-ide was being established along the Italian side of the Swiss frontier and that all civilians would be banned from the area. All non-military traffic will be prohibited in the zone, the broadcast said.