DEATHS. BOSTOCK.-On the 28th inst., at 47, Sheep-street, Northampton, Frederick Bostock, aged seventy years. BOWMAR. On the 25th inst., at Newfound Pool, Leicester, Thomas Bowmar. BURY.-On the 23d inst., at Oaklands, Wrexham, Henry Oswell (Elarrs) only child of Thomas and Elizabeth M. Bury, aged seventeen years COLDWELL.-On the 23d inst., at St. Andrews, Scotland, Alice Mary, wife of the Rev. C. L. Rev. Coldwell, Holy Trinity Parsonage, Surling, daughter of the late J. A. Tillard, vicar of Conington. Cambs. DALY.-On the 24th inst., at Westgate-on-Sea, Maria Marianne Daly, aged eighty-three. DODSON.-On the 25th inst.. at 50, Rose-hill-terrace, Brighton, Thomasine Amy Hughes Dodson, aged forty-three. widow DOWNES. of -On the 25th inst., of at Spondon, Derbyshire, Elisabeth, George Downer, Huggin-lane, City, and Leighamcourt-road, Streatham, aged seventy-one. Moritz GENZEL.-On Conrad the 25th inst., at 8, St. Peter's-road, Parkburst-road, Genzel, aged forty-eight. GOODWIN.-On eldest the 23d inst.. W. at Mayfield, Leyton, Essex, Mary Lee Beckles, child Goodwin, aged ten years. GRUNDTVIG.-On the 22d inst., at Lake Copais, Greece, Conrad Henry Walter Grundtwig. of Sunnyside. Wimbledon, eldest son of the late Frederik Grundtvig, Esq., of Rio de Janeiro, in his thirtieth year. HEAD.-On the 25th August, at Shere, Surrey. Dame Anna Maria Head, widow of the late Right Hon. Sir Edmund Walker Head, Bart., aged eighty-two. HUNT.-On the 24th inst., at Greenbank, Redhill, Henry John Hunt, of Necton House, 63, Briston-hill, aged sixty-eight. JACOT. Frederick the 25th Jacot, instant, aged at 44, seventy-two Chester-terrace, Eaton-square years. JAKINS.-On the 25th inst.. at Acton, Gladys Milroy, infant daughter of Sidney Milroy Jakins. LAMPLOUGH.-On the 25th inst., at Tunbridge Wells, Eliza, wife of the late Williamson Lamplough, of Blackheath, aged saventy-one. MARSHALL.-On August 26th, at 25, Alva-street, Edinburgh, in her ninetieth year, Mrs. Anne Wingate, widow of Henry Marshall, M.D.. Deputy Inspector-General of Army Hospitals, and eldest daughter of the late James Fenton Wingate, Esq., of Millearn, Perthshire. Friends are requested to accept of this intimation. MOGER.-On the 2d inst.. at Deknynden, Carshalton, Mary, wife of Frederic Slade Morer, M.R.C.S.E.., and only daughter of the late Francis Reeves, of Hawkhurst, Kent. MORGAN. On the 26th inst., at 11, Marlborough-road, St. John'swood, Alice Havers Morgan, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Havers, of Thelton Hall, county of Norfolk, Esq. -On the 25th inst., at 30, Forsyth-street, Greenock, James Morton, aged sixty-eight.