te fflwi'-jW. Cornhill ; or to Thos. Browne. 44, Bastcheap. SfALCVTTA (touching nt the Cape), to 17 , ... ijravesciid punctually on the 2iith instant, the Bliip 1 Wiln tiki tons burden, CHARLES HYNE (luto chief oftVcoV MH'Wz,',, aiam), Commander; loading in tho London Dock; l sliipp" ' " iS1.tieri, and curries an experienced Burgeon. For -Kiaiii"1 lor I Cuntain Grindl&v. and for freight or onssazo .jjf,- ami i j ' gr 5it,,9rs. M'Leod and C9.,y8,I'oiichuroli-8treet; ic 'Mf smith and Co.. 1, Limo-stiect-square, N.B. Has sorao tt 10 Vf,1, us disengaged . ynfgVDNEY DIRECT (to sail not later than well-known