NEW YORK. Nov. 8. W) Badly riddled by injuries, the New York University football team's vaunted offense clicked spasmodically to defeat Lehigh University, 13 to 0, at the Yankee Stadium before 11,000 spectators today. A 56-yard pass by its Ace flmger, Ber-nie Bloom, gave New York its first touchodwn five nlays after the game opened. Harry Shorten, diminutive halfback, pulled the pass out of the air and went 20 yards more for the touch down. Neither team showed to advantage with its running attack. The lines shaped up on even terms and were atie to repulse whatever the other backfleld had to offer on the ground. Lenicli turned in Its best Dertorm- ance of the game in a first period rugfiL at tne n. y. u. goal. John Beriontj left halfback, almost duplicated Bloom's pass when he connected for 40 yards to Jack Hoppock, the right end. Hoppock reached N. Y. U.'s 16-yard line. Norman Aver and Robert Berg on a series of plunges reached the New York 1-foot line where N. Y. U. took the ball on downs. Lehigh's aerial barrage of the second quarter gained nothing, while N. Y. U., which held the ball infrequently was unable to get anywhere with its running attack. In the third period Ed Williams, N. Y. U.'s giant Ne-ero fullback, skirted right end for 25 yards to score the second touchdown of the game. New York was on the defense throughout most of the game . Lehigh vas guilty of holding twice in succession late in the third quarter. The penalties set Lehigh back on its 8-vard line and a poor kick bv Berg gave N. Y. U. the ball on the 38-yard line. A pass. Bloom to Milton Miller, brought the ball to the 24-yard line from where Williams scored. Three interceptions marked the closing quarter when each team went into the air on almost every down. N. Y. U. had the better of the quick changes from offense to defense by intercepting twice, while Lehigh stopped a march on its 22-yard line wheik Ayer intercepted a pass by Ed BoelJ The lire-up and summary: Pos. Lebteh N. T. V. L.E STrneold Campanls L.IT Nordt Vogcl L.O Thomas Helmclte O Famlghettl O'Connell R.G Bayer Barberi R.T Rabold Blomtiuist R.E Hoppock ShilUg QB Campbell Mliler L H . .. .Berlont Blnom R.H Berg , Shorten F.B Ayer Williams Score br Pe iods Lehigh 0 0 0 00 New York University . . 6 0 7 013 New York Unlve-slty scoring: Touchdowns Shorten, Williams. Point atter touOdnwn Blomquist (placement). Officials: Referee P. X. Keating. Fi'ch. TJmoire F. 6. B?rgin, Princeton. Lines men -O. N. Bankhart. Dartroouth. judge E. H. Hastings. Cornell. Field