• THE MONCTON TRANSCRIPT Thursday Evening, June 19, 1952 Twelve A SKYWAY DRIVE- IN THEATRE OPENS # TOMORROW W. J. Hodgins Brings Wide Experience To Skyway Post Opening on the Shediac Road, Route Drive-In Theatre brings to the Moncton unit, a man who has associated with several cities of Canada since leaving the in July, 1946. He is W. J. "Bus" Hodgins, who comes to the Skyway managerial post from Hamilton, Ont., where he managed one of the largest drive •in theatres in Canada, the 900-car Mohawk theatre. With a wealth of experience in • operation, Mr. Hodgins offers in the new theatre, operated by Inter-City Drive-In Theatres, Ltd., Toronto, most modin drive-in operation, with erost modern equipment and highest amperage lamps available. The manager, who was assoclated with one of the first drivein theatres to be established in Canada, was an active member of Kiwanis Club in Hamilton, Ont.,, where he was posted for two and one-half seasons, after opening the drive-in theatre for his company. Chairman of the benefits committee of the Hamilton service club, be is being transferred to the. membership rolls of the Moncton Kiwanis Club. Bora in Ottawa, Ont., he was in the insurance business. prior to his service in the Always actively interested in community affairs, he is expected to be a welcome asset to the business life Ready of Moncton and surrounding area. On The theatre he manages will offer Friday after. night the a unique official service opening to LONDON, the surrounding motoring public Moncton and is the Australia, of the area Prime result of a year of planning. the from a of the Oysters world are and native about to 190 differ- fence and many parts expected ent species are known to science. Ottawa cabinet II, of the new 500-car area as manager of the drive-in theatres in Royal Canadian Air Force W. J. HODGINS Ready To Leave On Canada Visit June 18-(Reuters)- . Minister Menzies, of returned, official here visit today to four-day Netherlands and France. He is to continue talks on deother matters with the Monday before leaving for and Washington. DEV SAM PLUMBING BY - SUPPLIES ERMEN ‡ LTD. • 136 WESLEY ST. DIAL 4193 • ****' V. J 4 : HAVE YOU H-E-A-R-D? THE FINEST IN OUTDOOR THEATRE SOUND AT THE GREAT, NEW * DRIVE-IN SKYWAY THEATRE Congratulations : MR. & MRS. MONCTON You have a "Sound Treat" in store for you when you + visit SKYWAY! * A SOUND EQUIPMENT BUILT AND INSTALLED BY #t PERKINS ELECTRIC CO. LTD. 164 LESLIE STREET PHONE 2-3239 8: V L WEST MOUNTED" Cooper & Paulette Gary c 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY - RAIN OR SHINE . * 10 GREAT STARS -2 GREAT LOVE STORIES 1000 THRILLS NEVER BEFORE EQUALLED :: - % • Cecil B. DeMille's :* ** $ NORTH WEST MOUNTED POLICE - IN . THRLLING TECHNICOLOR * : ÷ GARY COOPER • MADELEINE CARROLL • PAULETTE GODDARD Preston Foster - Robert Preston Akim Tamiroff - Lon Chaney Jr. * : * ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON * * ON THE SHEDIAC Individual Speakers As You Are! Save the Best Screen Your Car. Bring Warmed Free of ADMISSION 53C-Tox BOX OFFICE OPENS 8 P.M. NO ROAD-2 MILES FROM MAIN ST. * In Each Car. Come Dressed the Price of a Baby Sitter. Enjoy Entertainment in the Comfort Of the Kiddies. Baby's Bottle - : Charge. • .. ‡ 7c-Total 60€ CHILDREN 12 YEARS AND UNDER FREE 3 - + CHARGE FOR YOUR . CAR SHOWS START AT DUSK : * SMOOTH AS * V-E-L-V-E-T 5 * ICE CREAM : A * g EXCLUSIVELY SERVED AT *: MONCTON'S NEW SKYWAY DRIVE-IN •+ , GENERAL: DAIRIES LIMITED 8 MONCTON, N.B. . ENJOY * Eastern Bakeries® PRODUCTS F f # *: .: % AT MONCTON'S NEW SKYWAY THEATRE * "SKYWAY" SHEET METAL WORK BY COSMAN & CO. LTD. TANNERY STREET 4 MONCTON, N.B. .. -... SKYWAY THEATRE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING BY ‡ DICKIE'S RADIO & ELECTRICAL CO. LTD. 403 ST. GEORGE PHONE 2-2561 :. .. ; "NEON - AT ITS BEST" : 3 . •' 5 SKYWAY THEATRE DRIVE-IN 3 NEON SIGNS * BY. E : * • • t•' STAR NEON SIGN CO. F 12 HIGH STREET DIAL 8764 * 3 S * THE ; SMARTEST PEOPLE CHOOSE RAYNER'S! THE DIFFICULT TASK OF EXCAVATING AND GRADING FOR THE SMART, NEW • SKYWAY PALATE WAS ENTRUSTED TO AND COMPLETED BY RAYNER CONSTRUCTION ** LIMITED HUMPHREY, N.B. PHONE 4205 * . 3 i. •*