ANTICS OF 'BUNNY MAN' START POLICE HOPPING FAIRFAX, Va. (IPI) - The "bunny man" first appeared two weeks ago when he smashed the window of a car and told the astonished couple inside that they were trespassing. Now, the five-foot-eight man-in-rabbit-clothing has struck again. A guard •in a housing project under construction told police he came upon a figure in a : white bunny suit with floppy ears chopping away with a hatchet at the porch post of an unfinished house. When the guard approached, the bunny man said: "You are trespassing. If you come any closer, I'll chop off your head." The strange figure then turned and hippityhopped off into nearby woods. Police say they have no clues to his identity. So far they know only that they are searching for a 20- year-old five-foot-eight rabbit with a hatchet,