Of All Things: An Orchid! fc LET'S PAUSE here to accept an orchid from one of our readers. He is Roger Dell ot Fergus Fans: "I want to thank you and the Minneapolis Star and Tribune for the publicity which you gave to the state trapshoot recently held at Austin. In the small cities there are a number of subscribers of your newspaper who always look forward to reading about these shoots. You did a fine job in this instance, and as I say, I want to thank you not only for myself but for the trapshooters as a whole. . . . "From time to time I know that the public will enjoy reading articles on both trapshooting and skeet.' COMMENT Jimmy Robinson, the old reliable, was responsible for the fine coverage of the big state shoot. He always does a good job. When anything newsworthy we try to do justice to it. We gratefully acknowledge our letters with the same sentiments. ft happens in this or any other sport,