Before the Public Service Commission of the State of Missouri. Tim Cooley, Dan Hugh's, John Gray, John Smith, Ted Fetcher, Robt. X. Davis, William Richardson, Joseph Kinkade, Charles Wardell and John G. Davis ...... •• .. .. Complainants. No.V8. Bevier and Southern Railroad Company (a corporation). .. .. .. Defendants. Complaint. Now comes the complainants in the above entitled comp'aint and respectfully state. that Tim Cooley, Dan Hughes, John Gray, John Smith, Ted Fletcher, Robert X. Davis, William Richardson, Joseph Kinkade, Charles Wardell and John G. Davis are residents of the City of Bevier, Missouri and vicinity, and the post office: address of each of the said complainants is Bevier, Mis• souri; that each of said complainants is engaged in the occupation of mining coal and working in and about the coal mines located south of Bevier, Missouri; that they make this com(Continued on page 3.)