yesterday morning He went South by the express THEATRE ROYAL "JO” The patrons of (he drama do not readily forget an artist who has once pleased them The crowded state of the theatre last night showed that the impression made by Miss Jennie Lee when she played Jo some years ago has not been effaced Miss Lee's impersonation then was perfect it was not less perfect lost night The poor outcast waif hunted from pillar to poet in the noma of eooiety was depicted with a vivid-wbioh was appalling by the depth of misery it revealed m possible to exist in the olosa neighbourhood of the luxuries of modem civilisation The poor lad’s and woe-begone look his shrewd-combined with utter ignorance hia utter hopelessness yet withal loving nature won toe sympathies of toe audience from first to lost so that there was a feeling of relief when the end came givingl a glimpse of a future where sorrow shall be no more Certainly Miss Jennie Lee deserves fully the reputation she hoe gained by her wonderfully conception and execution of tout oharaoter Mr J P Burnett who showed no trace of hia reoent indisposition was thoroughly at home in his old role of Mr Bucket giving to it those light touches which prove the hand of the true artist Mr George P Carey Mr Talkinghom was os good os he always is playing with quiet force and without etaginess Mr Fred Cambonrn an apMopriotefy unctuous-Mr Chad-bond Mr Barry Marshall 'was sufficiently dignified os Sir Leicester Dedlock Messrs D 0 Smith Edwin Lester Charles Hill and Philip Millar ' acquitted themselves well in the rolts of Mr Bnagsby Guppy the Coroner and the Beadle Miss Lee deserves to be highly complimented for her excellent impersonation of the French woman Hortense Her accent wae good and her acting characteristic Mrs Bolton's Lady Dedlock was carefully ployed Min Georgie Leigh-ford sa-Mrs Bnagsby was the termagant intended by the author Mias May Hill made a very favourable impression as Esther speaking with correct emphasis and acting naturally The subordinate characters were fairly represented The audience were enthusiastic in their applause end the curtain lmd to be raised at the close of each act Jo will be re-to-night