I Obituary Dorcas Victoria Transue was born in Wayne Co., Penn. April, 30, 1860 and died at St John's Hospital Salina, Kansas January, 14, 1920. Age 59 years, 8 months, 14 days. She moved with her parents to Kansas in 1877. She was converted and united with the Grand Center Baptist Church in 1879, in which church she always held her membership. She was united in marriage to William Allen Paschal Feb-| ruary 8, 1880. To this union eight children were born, 2 daughters: Mrs. Alta Paschal Jenkins of Elizabeth, Colorado, end Genie Paschal G:ay of Luray, 6 sons: Clyde, Wait er, Albert, Clarence, Frank, and Howard, all of Luray. 17 living grandch.ldren, 3 sisters and 2 L rothers, a host of friends and the beloved husband are left to mourn their loss. Sister Paschal's mother died shortly after they moved to Kan• sas, and the care of the father's home was thrown upon the daughters, sister Paschal carrying her I share. Being pioneer settlers ney ndured the inco v n'ence and hard snips of early Kansas days. They helped to make Kansas a delightful state in which to iv. Brother and sister Pasc al 1 av lived nearly a' hei• married life in the Vincent neighborhood. They have helped to make that neighborhood a pleasant community in which to live. Funcral services were held at the Vincent church Friday afternoon. January 16 and her body was laid to rest in the Vincent cemetery. "If death be recompense for §OTrow deep; If death be longing for the ones who weep; If death be endless, sweet, eternal sleep; If I death be victory over sin's vast sweep- ye who know. In life and death all travel toward God's throne, His hands reach] Obituary |