f 1 I George Ringo It had to happen. Well, maybe it didn't, but it has. On top of the other phases of the mania. ve'e now also got a wrestling Beatle. Mania, as described br Webster, is madness . . . inordinate craving, abnormal passion ... a craze. Like, you said it. One might better undtM-stand what Xoah had in mind by driving by the Hollywood Bow! anytime between dusk and " dawn Sunday. - It figures? that wrestling 1 -milHnt lo f-jr 1-iAhinrt The Wrestling Beatle is booked to appear at the Olympic Auditorium Wednesday night, and it's not by coincidence. He's been following the Beatles from town to town. The Beatles sing and be grunts, or maybe visa versa. "The big diWenme between me and those other Bailie? is that I've got a BODY,'' says the u restlcr teith a ttraight jnce. And please get that, lie insists his real iianie is George Rmgo. and he was born in Liverpool. Lherpool. New York, that Is. Even Freddie Blaie. Baron Leone. Count Billy Varga and the late Gorgeous George would be embarrassed. Ringo has been groaning for pay since lfif. He started in Chicago, but in those das he figured the name George Ringo was t sissified. He called himself Bob Sabre. " never hit it tun." he admit. "Ami I derided to gait to piny the guitar and sing. Then, nil of a sadden out cf England came the mop-heads. It opened a whole new career for aie. Peojilr started railing me George ilmgo, the Wrestling Beatle." He swears on a stack of guitars (hot it i ail true. One of those moments in history. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Please pass the aspirin.