The New Breed For the benefit of all those who don't know it, there exists at Lincoln University a chapter of Nu Gamma Alpha FraternityBeta chapter to be more exact. But for those who want to know more than its mere existence, ponder awhile and come with me while I view that mighty, new palace, rising atop Mount Olympus. .. * Ask the group how they got together and you just might get the answer, "Over a bottle of wine," but further conversaton will be more than adequate to convince one that fraternal duty and the friendship were the foremost objectives and motives. Despite "No first impression of "rabble" derived from the accompanying Gottem Average" translation, Nu Gamma Alpha has survived and, hopefully, will continue to do so. The "Magnificent Seven" embarked upon the traditional shores of Lincoln University clad in burgundy and white and were gallantly led by "Lord" Marvin Hughes; Vice "Lord" Joel Hutchins; "Lord" Secretariat, Michael Claytor; and "Lord" of Finance, Carlous Pitts. The leaders were supported by and united with brothers Jesse McFarland, Ronnie Cole, and Tom McGill. Nu Gamma Alpha is not just an organization. It is a fraternity still erupting and being fertilized in its beginning stage. Its roots, like other fraternities on campus, stem from Howard University since 1961 with a requisite, official constitution and charter. Beta chapter is young but determined. It has not vet been officially recognized at Lincoln pending the approval of "The Board" and the proccedings of the Pan-Hellenic Council, but it exists spiritually and fraternally. What's the purpose of this frat? Clearly defined in the chapter's constitution, its purpose is "to enable those who do not have the 3.00 accumulative average and who wish to in a fraternal organization, to realize true fraternal spirit, and learn participate what it means to share and fraternize and to have an organization which shall serve these purposes and functions." First of There all, is those a real need at Lincoln for such an organization. who don't have the 3.00 can still be part of a frat. Secondly, the frat offers advancement. If one gets his pledging average, as it is expected of him, he can freely join any campus fraternity he wishes. (Of the founding seven, all wanted to pledge either Que or Kappa.) To be qualified to join Nu Gamma Alpha, one must first of all "be a man" (quoted from Lord Hughes). The pledging period consists of four weeks with inactive weekends and one must have an average from 3.50 to 3.01. The above is surface fact. Unity and spirit are not easily written down. I congratulate you of Nu Gamma Alpha for an effort to better Lincoln University. A better Lincoln, for you of all realize the importance of learning and the accompanying joys sharing. So what if they called you "rabble!" "You found that imperfection and utilized it. You have in addition to that academic standard, a fraternal goal and unity which only selfintrospection could form.