Helms Team Names Bobby m . Offensive A !! America Bobby Reynolds, Cornhusker halfback, was given a starting berth on the first offensive lineup cm the 1950 College All - American football team selected by the Helms Athletic foundation. There were other individual awards: Oklahoma was named as college champions for the year. Bud Wilkinson coaches the Sooners. Frances "Reds" Bagnell, of the University of Pennsylvania, was named college piayer of the year. Charles W. Caldwell, jr., of Frmcetun University, was chosen as coach of the year. The All - American team: Oftenive. V - 0n Poi''bers. Aimv f. tioieiter Norntwektern. T - Hubert Oan. Kentucky. T Jim WeaihereU, Oklahoma. " - - Leal McKadin. Txis. Ct Robert Ward. Maty land. Jrrry Oroiro. Notre Darn. B - Vlto ParUll Bnturkv. H beet Reynolds, Nebraska B - Frances B nel) Penn. B AU Pollard, Artnv. Defensive. T. Andr HU!houe, A&M. F hr.erm tief.riee, Ohio Binle. I - Allien Ta'e, Ilimos. T Houand ltnan. Ffitwe'on. O - lheo Da tier. T't' "!Ke. Berm Lemonick, Penn I.BIrvin HoMa - .h N Carolina. !. Hiciitrr. Cahfurnie. h 'F;siro Ws'her - . W.siwuiii, B - Booty XMitm. Ttxa. B - Vri Van Heult. California