>iUSKERS’ CHIEF BET FAILS WHEN (Continued from Page 5-A.) the west stands urged the Wildcats goalward Again the Huaker followers pled for another goal line stand. Nebraaka’a defensive wa.s much more decisive than in the third 1 » riod. Ayers ran Into a swarm of klers when he tried the Husker left side and lost three yards La- .N’oue batted down a pas* to Zitnik m the en 1-tone and Ayers got only two yards on a third atterr.pL All that rematnetl was a place kick and when Warren s place kick was yards wicie of the uprights the Wildcat vision of a victory faded The seven remaining minutes found ea. h team apparently bogged down bv the he.'iL The Cl ID ihtrnMDI CTC rLlr InlLUmrLt I t Wildcats tried a'la.»t minute pass-, Ing attack which ran foul when a C'.r^ta-ai! i%un"3h« Lf.hr player on the head. This gsve Ne- brask.a the ball in mtdfield and Harris Andrews was rished in for a final try at aerials. The Wild cat.s intercepted the second flip and signified they were content with a tie score when writh ten sec-; onds remamnig they plunged at the line in the effort to kill time Husker Pass Incomplete, Nebraska s only serious offensive ge.»ture during the afternoon hijth came in the first half. Late in the opening period Eldridge and LaNoue alternated m a double- barreled running attack whi.h carrieil to the Kansis Slate 40- yard line. In the second and Francis traded punches Kansas State line and ends to bring the ball twenty-seven yards to the Wildcat 31-yard stnpe. A third down pass. Francis to McDonald, missed connections by Inches. It was the big offensive thrill of the aftem.ion for Nebraska. Mac was back of the Kansas State secondary with a clear spot for ten yardi and the goal but the ball was just out of hts reach. While the Nebraska line apparently still groggy trym the Minnesota pounding, was given an .other bombardtrg at Manhattan, there were sever.il of the lads that stood out Bob Mehnng, Kenneth McGinnis and Fred Shirey. all playing their first year of varsity competition. Mehnng at center played himself a great ball game, until forced from the lineup a few mm- ute.A before the game ende«i Meh- rmg was mjured. but not seriously. Cscdt* Nearly Loose. Francis kicking was the high sp.>t If the backficli. rardwtU W AS alm»>»t liaise »’n, e but the bovs in the buck room d »n t pay fff His on runs that stop »hurt of the goal Unc. F “ Kansas State, the Wildcats