SPRING DRILLS START MARCH 7 Candidates for liiisker (irid Team In Action Next Month. Thrr# will be 24 practice periods for sprlnf? ino?ball at the University of Nebraska, according to the announced I’liesdav bv X. Bible, head football program ni« si»rlng campaign will get iiave been completed. Bible antici- from 75 to lOO candidates re|X)rt for action. Assisting Bible m the spring drill.s wui be the usual fall coach, lag f^hsff of W. H Browne, Bill k <1 W’eir, Capt. "Joe’ Lehman .md Charley Blarjc ..omppshTd iirpracuce^hiT.Miritii" Bible maintain«, ( laches a good opmrtunity to get acquainted with the freshmen and «ttord.s a .splendid opportunity to ’It give« the unable to emphasl?,e In the fall be- cau.se of lack of time. ’ Players will check out equipment next week.