aa to and srs off or an ________________ . STINER PLANTED ON SECOND TEAM , w- . . f^aotain GlVeil ' ¡XeDruSRa i/ttpiaill tsIVtril All-American Honor By Coaches. Tad Jones all-Aineiicnn lineup has come through the mill, th«: first team Mclcclions being fairly evenly «llstrlbut»-d between tho eaaf, middle west and Pacific coa.sl. t'aplaln Lonnlo Stlncr of Nebraska and t'aptaln Hacchus of Mls.sourl are tlm only Missouri \iil- Icy conference gridders given recognition by the three wise men of Stanford, Notre Dame and Yale. Stlner Is planted at light tackle on the second team, while Hacchii.s 1 gets the right end station on tho » t'firnhu.skcrH’ forward wall was no | noft snap I'»«’ opponent during 'the 1926 campulgn. -po be more .leflnttc, exactly one . touchdown was made by a l.'2b i opponent by plunging througl^ tho lone touchdown. No Superior In Gam«. Dpponcnts of prove»! clas.s, such ,r by .saying: " superiority 1 "weak" Nebraska line. Towa State was tho team which achieved that; WAS iiiu Stewart, Oth«rwi«« "Weak Lne.” "StlmT of .N« braska Is a worthy .successor to Wdlr and the mainstay of an otherwise weak line.” This "weak line" suggestion, as upplbsl to Ni'braskH. uiipears to have Its origin in the f«Ttlle Imagination of Uiwrencc I’erry, writer for a New York syndicate, whereas tho hard-boiled truth la that the X .T irV and i as Missouri | niäke nil consistent Impression j make m- , ^ „ when bucking the CornhusU.-r fm wards, so the 1926 r* cord. If correctly chronicled, should r.*ad that ( the Nebraska line was the e.iual of any In the pigskin realm. In disnusHlug Ibe e;ist vs. west Hockno rentove.l some or created by that "weak question, the .sting In ♦ icvcies^'l don’t think geography has ^ It. I do be- ! - . ; California has great Jwa- ; »e_v 1 , 1 ^ unlvcr- heeausc ; t-r.L“'* ‘^x-e^wnska turns out tho of He left tackle: Shlveley, guard: Hoerlnger Notre Dame, (enter 8turhuhn. Yale, **ight guard. Yorder t'arnegle Tech. right l(kle, Oosterbaan. Michigan. Uanndall. Brown. quartet back. Kaer, Southern Gallfornia. left half Wilson. Army, right half, joeivting. Minnesota, fullback.