On Wednesday the governor of Durham Gaol, Lieut -Oni Armstrong, received an intimation from the High Shai-ifP representatives, announcing that Monday, the 24th f March, had been fixed for carrying into execution th tenoa of death passed upon Mary Ann Cotton lh w I Auckland poisoner, at tha lata assizes. This ; ; , anca with the old oustom of allowing tluee Kf Oaot intervene between the day of oondernnatmn !?y! execution. Since her condemnation tS35o tmheppy woman has undergone little , ohm ? 2T oUb cola reserved manner being now anntwoiTt r5 . ttt? an9 time she was awaiting Mailt the 2ffid,1,lfg tb those about her apuear to entert&uv ISfS m?i 2atil ' m6L should the estremeaentance of tSuJ ffi S6 topa out,.sho will make a confeBBion of C sS1"!-?, retains the care of her baby, but thfe Sf- rtitt creature will probably be removed fco1OTl??ata um course of a few dajef No movement ? hSmttW in with reference to getting 7mKrf "?,3a On Monday she wrote a fetter to a p S Auokland requesting him to take mB at,9.man fn Bishop up a petition favour of WaSSSS5STi?eW lowing ia a eopy of the prisoner's i lftte?-!!. 3" 0 Slr,-I Kill tana it as a KMauid0th o! Stooh, 187J. onreMlie3t convenience. Will ,an JiJ?? win anfl seehitn a my life to be aared. You rnusi i ?at Jing Ssti?on'?; in, and you must tell him irlmt rVrml ?JnttoS W11'-1033 lie ?T rntt Hnntti Bnll.t. TwiJ:A!n business with mo. Mr. Faw- is another, either' ot these will lJ-v- EltcoM, Elvet.hiil, Dnrtawo. lesueotiulli, wa WlU 8wa you an order tor . A suitable reply has bean forwarded to the unfortunate woman by e genteman in'gf mtiDiating tint he could hold ont no horfe T of tho success of any such petition, ha trusted that r2e fwLldaviS herself of the.