WILTSE FANS 13 BATTERS 1 AS FT. WAYNE WINS, 4-1 FT.- WAYn4 Ind. Behind the brilliant pitching of Dorothy Wilt- te, Fort Wayne's Daisies won their opening game in the All-American Girls League, tonight, -dej-feating Grand Rapids 4r-l. Wiltse fanned 13 batters and! allowed only three hits. ; j ' ' Connie Wisniewski, Grand jRapj-ids hurler, yielded four . hits,, but herself , committed five efror, four of them on wild throws tb bases that permitted three . runs to score. Elizabeth Barthiaume df Grand Rapids hit a triple toiseriji in the Chicks' only run. A ck"owa lNS-1S"' of 2,000 saw j the game. R- H. E. - Orand Kaold ..... 001 000 0001 3 Fort Wayne . 000 100 021 4 4 Batteries: Grand Raplda Wisniewski and Maeuire; Fort Wayne wtitse ahd Leasing.