1 TIME TABLE! The Cincinnati & Miami Valley TRACTION CO. & Darion Fast Line. Taking Affect May 1, 18gN. (Subject to Change without Notire.) Cars lenve Main nnel B Streels fort Overpeck, Trenton, Middletown, Miamigburg, West Carfultoo, Alexandersville and Dayton. A. M. P. M.: § 45 9 15 12 15 4 15 8 15 9 45 J2 45 4 45 6 45 10 15 J5 5 15 • 9 7 15 10 45 45 5 45 9 45 7 45 11 15 2 15 6 45 10 15 8 15 IL 45 2 45 6 45. 8 45 '5 35 715 12° E 3.45 Middletown 7. 45 only. 10 7. 45 p. m. car to to Trevton 9 45 p.m. to Trenton culy. p. ouly. To 15 p. m. to Miamisburg only. 11 15 p.m. car to Middletown only. 12 15 p. m, car to Trenton ouly. Hamilton Ticket office in Dr. W. C. Millor's Drug Store. Corner Main & B streets. W. G. WAGENHALS, Gen. Manager Trenton, Oblo.