con the determine1 Instituted of An has is an department to a law the is the law will Schricker-riamed the At that to that are on the bill for HALL DEVOTED TO CULTURE, CREATIVE ART Carnegie Foundation Head Speaks State Civic Leaders, Officials Participate. Bloomington, Ind., March 22. (Special) With a dedication to culture and the creative arts, In diana University tonight opened its new $1,170,000 auditorium, second largest structure on the Blooming- ton campus. Leaders in the state's official and civic life, education, art, music, drama and literature joined with the university in the dedication ceremonies. Visitors were present also from all states of the Middle West and New York and Washington. Dr. Walter A. Jessup, president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, gave the dedicatory address. the dedicatory ceremonies in augurated a gala week on the university's campus, which will include a public showing of the audi torium tomorrow afternoon, a re ligious service tomorrow night, a Broadway theatrical production Tuesday night and a symphony concert Wedensday night. Dignity and Color. Staged with the color of a Holly wood premiere, but with the dignity of academic ceremonial, the dedication opened with the entrance of the university's faculty to a processional by the university concert band as the great curtains parted on the vast stage on which the faculty members in their black robes and hoods of varied colors took their seats. Presiding over the ceremonies, President Herman B Wells de scribed the event as "a memorable and happy occasion" and "the realization of a long - cherished dream." , "One hundred and eleven years ago, .President wens asserted, we trustees of this institution, accord ing to the records, mentioned 'the pressing necessity of a large hall.' Throughout the intervening years, makeshift assembly facilities have been provided from time to time, but it is only today with the completion of this building that the need first recorded in 1830 has been adequately met." Receive Inspiration. The university's president de scribed the new auditorium as a building "which contributes to in stitutional union," and added: "Here the students, members of the staff and the citizens of the state can receive the inspiration of the best in lectures, music and drama. But this building has another function of paramount im portance. ' It will augment sub stantially our facilities for training in the arts. Here plays writ ten by students will be performed Turn To Pagt 10, Column 1. yielding axis the for Cin-car-Markovic such had of over post was protest be of of trip be a not said patriotic