ARRIVALS, DEPARTURES AT INDIANAPOLIS AIRPORTS Capitol Airport (West Thirtieth James 8. May, Anderson; Howard E. Cruzan, Cutshall, Indianapolis, Maysville, and of the AllCharles son Engineering Company, went to Chicago Thursday by airplane. Charles Myers and Clarence Myers and George McCarty, all of Indiana. polis, were aboard the Detroit plane when it left. Grace Stevenson, Chicago, left for Louisville in the Louis. ville plane. Frank W. Lovejoy, New York, one of the speakers at the truck congress being held here, was taken to Dayton Tuesday afternoon in an effort to catch the train for New York. Lovejoy missed the train in Indianapolis, but reached Dayton in time to board it there. Hoosier Airport (Kessler Boulevard), Captain E. W. Sweeney returned to the Hoosier airport with Clyde E. Whitehill. president of the Banner Purniture Company, after a flight from Iron Mountain, Mich. Captain Sweeney and Whitehill went to Iron Mountain Sunday. Mars Hill. Walter L. Anderson, Wichita, Kas. president of the White Castle System, Inc., sandwich shops, arrived at the Mars Hill field Wednesday with Pilot Preston Kirk from Cincinnati. Mr. Anderson, who came to Indiana• polis to inspect White Castle shops, will fly to Chicago Thursday. Howard Gibson, Pl. Wayne, flying an American Eagle with two passengers, left the airport Wednesday -for Nebraska