3 Freeway Segments Are Announced Routes of three Indiana segments of the proposed Interstate freeway system were- announced today by state Highway Department engineers. . ' One 23-mile piece, connect ing with a Marion County seg ment'whose route was- n- nounced Wednesday, will go from the Marion-Shelby County line just south of U.S. 421 diagonally southeast across Shelby County into Decatur County. ' This section or the new road will replace a small part cf U.S. 421 and wiir cost about $15,700,000. It will in elude 25 bridges and inter changes, and will be a part of Interstate Route 74, which will-go from Indianapolis to Cincinnati. Shelbyville, Mid-dletown and Pleasant View in Shelby County will be by passed. V . Interested parties have un til October 21 to request t public hearing on the route. . Hearing dates have been chosen for two other segments 'of another interstate route which will, pass through Clark, Scott and Jackson Counties in southern Indiana. (. The Clark County section of Interstate 65, which will con nect ' Indianapolis with Chi. cago, Louisville and Nashville, will be discussed October 28 in Silver Creek High School at Sellersburg. . This road will begin north of Jeffersonville and go north to Centerville in Clark County. It will bypass Cementville, Sellersburg and Speed, and will cost an estimated $6,300,- 000. The 12-mile stretch will have eight bridges and interchanges. A second section of this rbadi to be covered in an October 29 hearing at Scotts-burg, will go from near Speed through Scott County to a point north of Uniontown in Jackson County. It will be 34 miles long and will bypass Underwood, Scottsburg, Aus tin, Crothersville and Union; town. Construction may begin sometime next '"year on the Interstate route sections announced today, said George Foster,' executive director of the state Highway Departments The interstate routes, to be completed in 13 years, are to be paid out of 90 federal and 10 state funds.