the Is for is be Balenda, bobs By James R. Bacon Hollywood (AP) "The Quiet Man" I theater - John Ford'sj si3ter ' is one techni boys came back to Hollywood with their sister and want to stay. Charles uses FitzSimons which is Maureen's real name. Jimmy adopted Lillburn for his career. It was his mother's maiden name. Besides being filmed in Ireland, tho movie haa practically an all- Irish cast. There are eight alum- in Dublin as wa* their „{ O f the Abbey theater including color movie in which Maureen O'Hara won't be the most beauti- ul thing in it. And that bit of Intelligence A ~omes from the luscious redhead's own brother, Charles FitzSimons. Says brother Charles i "Tho real besuit? In this plo- tare I* Ireland Itself. .The million* of Irish American* will •«• Ireland &» the fairyland their mother* and fattier* pictured It to them." Ford and company have just re turned from the emerald isle aft"Square weeks of shooting in and around Cong, County Mnyo. Ford, noted as one of Hollywood's top master* of scenic photo; raphy, really outdid himself time, according to FitzSimons. Both of Maureen's brothers are in the movie — their screen buts. Both are from the Abbey to tho three FitzSimonsea, Barry But Maureen swears she had no ™ zuse raldu . , and his brother 'i Arthur Shields. \ Victor McLaglen, of course, is Iriah. part in getting them in the movie. Ford hired Charles, 27, as legal officer for the company to pre pare for the troupe's arrival. Charles is also a lawyer. "In Ireland, actors must have other jobs in order to survive," he comments. But when Ford met him, he Hred him on the spot lor a featured role. Then the director was introduced to brother Jimmy, 23. As Maureen tells it, Ford said': "There's our young priest." Both Two of the other stars are John Wayne and Ward Bond. They got their Irish as ex-University of Southern California football stars playing against Notre Dame. AT:—1:30, 1:16. 7:03, 9:51' Hutahlnson Boy Scout* Troop 1. Bring KOSHARE INDIANS Nationally Famous Indian Dances From LaJunta. Colorado WEDNESDAY August 29, 8 P. M. Gowan Stadium First tima in Hutchinson! Real Indian Dances of the Sioux, Kiowas and Navajos. 40 people! $10,000 costumes! Get tickets from any Hutchinson Boy Scout or from Black