the reporting the custom the will DR. A. G. WOLLENMAN Postmaster Aloys G. Wlolenmann is dead. The end, which was expected came at 11:50 Friday morning which was due to tuberculosis The dignified manner in which he consciously passed to the great beyond was a striking example. He had been in ill health for several months, but was not confined to his bed until three weeks before he died. Dr. Wollenmann was born in Neuenkirch, Switzerland in 1864, where he received his education. About 22 years ago he emigrated to this country, his destination being St. Meinrad, Ind., where he practiced medicine about a year, after which he removed to Ferdinand, where he successfully practiced medicine until he became unable a few weeks ago. In. 1893 he married Miss Fidelia Kempf of Ferdinand. Their union was blessed with two sons and a daughter. His wife and d little dtughter preceded him in death about nine years ago. In July 1899, he was appointed postmaster, which position he held at the time of his death, besides being proprietor of the Eagle Pharmacy. He was a member of St. Ferdinand's Catholic church and of the St. Joseph Society He leaves two minor sons, Werner and Max, an only sister, Mrs. Mannette Muff, in Switzerland, Europe, and a host of other relatives and friends to mourn his untimely death. Interment took place Sunday afternoon in St. Ferdinand's cemetery, Father Johns ofliciating. on convention, proved conventions at Saturday speeded allow candidate.