Many Charges Proved. 5. That as to the charges made for misconduct upon the part of the various members of the Slate ranger force, their unwarranted disregard of the rights of citiaenahip of many of the bonier counties, the unnecessary taking of life by different members of the force, the entering of private residences, searching of private residences, and the taking and confiscating of arms of private citizens by said force without warrant of law, the improper arrest of parties by different members of the ranger force; the confining of them in jail without taking them before a magistrate, as is required by the laws of this State; and the taking of life of prisoners by some members of the force, we find that many ot tuese charges have been established by Sufficient and competent evidence. We find that some of the commanding officers hsve been arbitrary and overbearing in the discharge of their duties; that they have assumed authority not given to them, and that in the interpreting of the laws of this State and enforcing them in a maQner not authorized under the constitution and laws they have become guilty of, and are respon sible for, the gross violation of both civil and criminal lawa of this State and deserve the condemnation of all law-abid ing citizens for so doing. The retention of such men on the force should not be tolerated by those in charge. It is bat justice to the present administration above suggested, they should be selected as men of integrity and placed under a proper and rigid control of those in authority. Canales Not Blamed, r. After hearing all of the evidence we desire to say that iu our judgment J. T. CanaJes has been prompted by no im proper motives in making tbe charges that he has made against the State ran ger force, and that at all tines during'the investigation be has been fair, prompt and considerate in the presentation of charge and reference to the charges made, and we feel that much good should come, both to the ranger force and to the people of Texas, by reason of tbe investigation bad under these charges. n e desire especially to express our appreciation not only to J. 1. tauales, but to James A. llarley. the adjutant general; R. E. L. Knight of Dallas and Dayton Moses of Fort Worth for their kindness and services rendered to your committee in this investigation, and to say that by reason of their operation we have been able to make what, in our judgment, is a full, fair and complete in vestigdtion of the ranger service. Re spectfully submitted. W. H. Berdson, Chairman. D. S. McMillin, Sam C. I-ackey, W. M. Tidwell, Paul V. Tage. Edgar E. Witt.