-Old Settlers, August 13-14-15. -Commercial Club Tuesday night. -Fruit Jars, Tops, Rings, etc., at Watson's. -Joe Nevill, Esq., has been over at from Cabool this week. -Carty Motor Co. is another to put Oil in a new and larger gas station. -Fly Powder and Liquid Poison be and Sticky Fly Paper at Blanken-| ship's. -Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Lynch are out from Springfield visiting with relatives. -For Sale--Dodge Touring Car, good as new.- Carty Motor Company, Houston, Mo. 46tf -Installation of officers of Texas Lodge No. 177, A. F. & A. M., next Saturday night -Cireuit Clerk H. W. Craig favors The Herald with renewal and orders W. the Springfield Daily Leader. -Use Dr. Hess' Fly Chaser. Your cow will pay you well horse will feel grateful -Blankenship's. -Mrs. J. S. King has been visiting the past few weeks with her son, Leland King, and family at Tulsa, Oknows, lahoma. -American Fencing--Fix your fall pastures we have a good stock of all kinds American Fencing.--J. F. Watson & Son. -Lost-Sunday, July 5. a Keen Kutter Cord casing, tube and rim for Ford car. Leave at Carty Motor Co. and receive reward. 1t -Sheriff Meador arrested A. H. Freeman at Mountain Grove Monday charged with disturbing the peace at Cabool. He filled bond. -Misses Florence and Iuka Me-Raymond Kinney returned last week from Ok-| lahoma, where they have visited for some time with relatives at Tulsa. -Come to the Commercial Club each Tuesday night so we can have the Reunion and do other things worth while for Houston: and comTheir munity, -Charley Gentry, G.. W. Romines, Churchill Wood and John Rhea spent the last of the week on Piney river at the A. H. Vetter place and report a good catch of fish. -Miss Lillian Scott has been laid up for several days with an injured foot, having stepped on a nail and it stuck in her foot, causing a painful injury. -C. L. King and wife, of Spring-The field, were through Houston Monday with their three children on their way to visit with Mr. and Mrs. John CorThe bett, near Raymondville. - -Complete line of School Supplies -Tablets, Crayon, Dinner Pails, Book Satchels, Pencils, Pens and Inks, Slates, ready for the opening of school, at Forbes Drug Comthe pany's. -Mrs. «S. A. Rodgers and little daughter, Doris, came in from KanSeven sas City Monday for a few days visit and to look after business affairs here. They formerly lived on the Dooley farm on Brushy. -Semi-public installation of the officers of Texas Lodge No. 177, A. F. & A. M. next Saturday night, July 11. All Masons and their families and members of the Eastern Star are invited. Refreshments will be serv-Alice ed. -An old veteran tourist printer| was through Houston Tuesday mornline The Herald office staked him for a few meals and he went on his way. These old fellows are getting scarce and "30"* -is being rapidly called for them. -Letter from a Knights of Pythias lodge at Denver, Colorado, states that Mr. Thomas B. Travis, who diod near a Edgewater, a suburb of Denver, was buried with full Pythian honors Jane, 26. Mr. Travis had been 8 member of the Pythian lodge here for many years and local. Knights are glad to learn that the western brethren were so generons in giving him the honors of the order. -Born--The good tidings have of been * received by Houston friends that a baby daughter was born to Rev. and Mrs. Dawson C. at El Paso, Texas, where Mrs. is Bryan with relatives and the little lady arHis rived Sunday evening, June 28, only few hours after Rev. Bryan had left El Paso for Junaluska, North Caroliand na, where he is to teach in the Methshot. ódist assembly. Congratulations are forwarded to the proud parents from the Houston friends of the fine young couple. it of put Wednesday he Ellis condition. Mo. on injured. from at Herald's McKittrick, our over night house the south last Mrs. and child. and services and day sympathy husband, other