| ADOLF HITLER SMILES HIS WAY TOWARD VIENNA Motor Cavalcade Bears Reichfuehrer Triumphantly From Linz To Capital VIENNA, March 14 (AP) Adolf Hitler today triumphantly entered Vienna, capital of the German state he has absorbed in his greater German Reich. His motor cavalcade passed the city limits at 4:50 P. M. (9:50 A. M., C. S. T). Hitler, who had changed to an open car during his 100-mile journey from Linz, entered his Vienna standing up, bowing, smiling to hundreds of thousands lining the route. Behind his slow moving automobile was another car carrying Heinrich Himmler, chief of all German police, and other high officials of the Reich. The journey through a smiling countryside from Linz, where he had remained since his coming to Austria Saturday, was like a royal progress, through throngs of the Fuehrer's exulant followers. An Austrian government of his choice had prepared for his coming by announcing the absorption of. Austria into the German nation, now stretching from the North Sea almost to the Adriatic. ROME, March 14 (AP) Premier Mussolini today gave Reichsfuehrer Hitler his personal reassurance of Italian friendship. In a telegram to Hitler at Vienna, Il Duce declared "My attitude is determined by the friendship between our two countries consecrated in the (RomeBerlin) axis." Mussolini's communication was in reply to Hitler's earlier message that he would "never forget" Il Duce's attitude toward his annexation of Austria.