FOR JEWISH REFUGEES At Least Temporary Homes Will ISc Provided In England France, Belgium, Holland PARIS, June 13 W Flench officials announced tonight that all the 907 German Jewish refugees now recrossing the Atlantic aboard the Hamburg-American liner St. Louis after being denied admission to Cuba would be given at least temporary homes in Eng' land, France, Belgium and the Netherlands. After negotiations conducted b,y Jewish organizations and the League of Nations' high commission for refugees from Germany, a plan concerning division of the St. Louis' passengers was sub- mitted to the interested governments. Informed sources said it met with general approval. The French cabinet at a meeting today agreed to accept 250 ol the refugees. Britain is to take a like number. The Netherlands agreed to take 194 and Belgium to accept up to 250. The St. Louis, Hamburg-American liner is expected to reach Cherbourg June 17. o