ONTARIO REPORTS | NO ABATEMENT IN EPIDEMIC OF 'FLU' Increase in Number of Cases in Several Towns of Province SPREADING IN WEST Over 200 Cases in Winnipeg, While Cities on Coast Report Growth in Number of Victims (Special to The Gazette.) Toronto, Oct. 15.-There has been no change within the past 24 hours in the epidemic of influenza. If anything it seems to be • attended. with more fatal results. There were, according to statistics in the City Clerk's office to-day, 133 deaths from the disease over the week -end. In the five city hospitals to-day thirteen deaths • were recorded. Among those who succumbed was Miss Hope Aylesworth, niece of Sir Allen Aylesworth, who was a third undergraduate nurse in the year General hospital. She was stricken with the disease while at her work and died from pneumonia. The capacity of all hospitals is taxed to the limit. Surgeons are co-operating to fight the epidemic by refusing to perform any operation unless it is of the most urgent char-| acter. Mayor Church this evening at an inquest which was opened to investigate conditions at the base hospital, the local military hospital of six hundred beds, Bitterly, criticized the institution. twenty deaths in the institution within 24 hours. He that if the soldiers had been in well equipped quarters there would not have been the number of deaths. The mayor said that he had offered the names of many buildings to the militia department which could be taken over. The base hospital was a fire trap, not sanitary enough for civilians and oftentimes contained 900 patients when it should only have half that number, The inquest was enlarged. The Ontario Government has ar. ranged to hold lectures in the Parlament buildings to instruct volun= teer nurses and the general public as to the best manner to cope with the disease.