GAZETTE AND DAILY, YORK, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1938. YORK WELCOMES THE NEW SOUTHERN C OPENING TONIGHT AT 5:45 SUCCESS TO The Southern Theatre The management of this new show house, is to be congratulated in making such a vast and fine improvement of the surroundings in this locality. We extend to them our most hearty wishes for its success. REINEBERG'S FAMOUS FEET * FITTERS Fitting Feet Professionally for the Past Sixty-Five Years 19 S. GEORGE STREET Best Wishes Edwin C. Myers DOVER NO. 3 Stone Concrete Brick Contractor Congratulations Southern Theatre Atlas Manufacturing Co. Emigsville, Pa. COAL ROBERT H. LAFEAN 238 W. KING ST. PHONE 2555 With Best Wises to the New Southern Theatre STAGE HANDS AND MOTION PICTURE OPERATORS' UNION 283 WILLIAM DONSEN, President FRANCIS SHENBERGER, Sec't EDWIN HESS, Business Agent SENIOR GIVE AT HOLLYWOOD'S Hi tor your enJoyment • Luxurious Chairs R. C. A. Sound Mat. Daily 2 P. M. Delue Projection ADULTS 15c SHOWING Eve. Continuous From 6 P. M. Dick Powell ADULTS 25c Priscilla Lane Sat. Continuous From Noon in Adults 15c until 2 P M "Cowboy From 25c until Closing "Brooklyn" Children 10€ Always Congratulation and Best Wishes for Success John H. Myers & Son We appreciate the opportunity of having had a part in building and furnishing the new "Southern Theatre" Best Wishes to the NEW SOUTHERN DRAPES BY Paramount Decorating Co. Philadelphia, Pa. CONGRATULATIONS SOUTHERN THEATRE by Penn Theatre Equipment Company A COMPLETE THEATRE SERVICE 309 North 13th St., Philadelphia Heywood - Wakefield sponsored Streamline Theatre Seating installed in the New Southern Theatre CONGRATULATIONS and and BEST WISHES To CHARLES MacDONALD and THE NEW SOUTHERN THEATRE 100 PER CENT R. C. A. SOUND EQUIPPED You've Never Seen Anything R RCA Like This 1939 Victor ELECTRIC TUNING A Console Grand MODEL 97KG SEE IT TODAY Electric Tuning for 6 stations • Victrola PushButton Control • Smart Get $25.95 value -in Victor Records R Dial New Victor Cabinet • • Magic Console Metal Straight- Eye • Tubes Grand Line RCA • radio. and Attaches Attachm Plays to RCA $15.00 any Victor modern Victrola Records AC Victrola thru your radio with its full Attachment "Plug-In" tone. performance- Victor Radio Tubes EST. 1884 music USE 141-143 West Market Street Best Wishes Southern Rest Rooms Have Been Equipped With NIBROC "aqualized" Towels No. 51 Scottissue Service Roll V-T Soap Service Distributed Exclusively in York by Us Andrews Paper House of York Div. S. Walter, Inc. Best Wishes John Z. Barton College Ave. and Stone St. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Hardware and Glass BY York Paint & Hardware Co. 203 West Market St., York, Pa. The Anne presented of the auditorium evenings direction instructor The follows: Ketterman; "Joan," Holliday," "Professor," Donovan," Dorothy Diehl; "Winks," Rudolph of Committees arrangements Dramatic prompters, McGready; chairman, Brenner, Gross, Hughes; chairman, Harry Shearer properties, Leona Lehman lighting, Herman Mr. Shelly, Melhorn, Bonitz; chairman, Roy Miller gram, Kohler The Bible church, Hughes, evening. Early committee hour, session. to D. V. Zeigler, Kling, Hake, Frank Sowers, Lester Hahn, and Simon Mr. children, Mt. near Gable, of Mrs. M. Kann, Mr. York, were latter's Alvin Walter Ehrhart, the the former's spent E. Klinefelter's Mrs. Joseph, Fetrow, York Mrs. Ray Church churches Lutheran Manifold, m.; Rev. clergyman sermon. worship service meetwill ing taken on Manifold, St. Paul's H. E. 9:30 a. worship St. Paul's Sunday Endeavor, 7 p. m. PLAN Seven Thanksgiving Freidensaal's on Tuesday. m., in thankoffering Missionary Brigade On p. m., service at Thursdav. Church Sunday are: R. H. Dick, Sunday Seven Rev. S. Sunday Thankoffering Freidensaals. preaching. 10 a. Y. P. TO AT Hanover young in Shaffer's Sunday at 7 the leader program will SEITZLAND Seitzland, Gerbrick. of patient the hospital, received has returned John college. sophomore at the former's John ILLUSTRATED Stiltz, Bethlehem to capacity witness an "Palestine and Rev. Dr. St. York. Classes Sunday oyster the church, 4 p. m. HOLD MRS. NEAR Stewartstown, relatives attended Zeigler Shenberger, East on Sunday held at 2 funeral which Zion cemetery, M. Mitzell. Shrewsbury charge, were: Keesey, Charles