Wabash. organized is of game was in progress was a brilliant. and • novel one. The grandst and crowded to overflowing was as light as midday and the elegant toilettes of of the ladies showed to as good advantage as if in the full glare of the ball room, and in faot better for the electrio light shows colors the same as sunlight. All around the park was the thick outer darkness but within was apparently a charmed enclosure where the sun had focused its rays while the restof the world lay in darkness. In brilliancy and splendor the spectsole was a great success but as a specimen of ball playing it was a very poor one. A club of boys known as the M. E. college nine, were pitted against the Quincy professionals. The club was, Stemen, 8. 8.; Doucollege gal, Long. lat b.; Bittinger, o. 1. f.; Mgok, p.; r. f.; Allen, f.; Wood, 20. Bleekman, 8d b.; Bender, c. Only b.; seven innings were played and the score is as follows: 12 8 4 5 6 7 College : 0 01 8 4 5 1.0 2 0 5-11 Quincey 2 1 8-19 Struck out Collage, 8; Quincy, 6. Runs earned - College, 8; Quinoy, 11. Base hits- -College, 11; Quincy, -19. Errors -College, 12; Quincy, 6, Passed balls--College, 5; Quincy, 4. The result of the game last night, and which had more special tele-* grams sent from here about it than any other affair that ever ocourred, proves that base ball can' be played by electricity, but there must be more lights. With double the number of lamps the game could be played with success. NOTES. The game will be repeated soon. Only a plain white ball was used. It was trying to the eyes to watch the ball. Chief Diehl had a big police force present. Many of the spectators left before it' was over. The correspondents generally spoke favorably of the exhibition. There was much growling that the Fort Wayne professionals did not play. The audience overflowed into the enclosure and was packed all around the fleld. The Electric Light company received all proceeds after the sale of 400 tickets and netted over $300. All the operators at Western Union telegraph office were kept busy sending the lengthy specials to metropolitan telegraph office were kept busy sending the lengthy specials to metropolitan papers.