24 Tin: r.vKMNc si n. ii.m.ti.muki:. i uiday. nTna:it m. ;ru: Nazi 'Mercy Killings7 Denounced By Bishop Lie violent kill. . it file to VLlll k. By the Associated Press! I.R Of UlVrth.tS HO I.Hli.l"t ciipil iiitumbiy ill and those weakened V.h old i(r. i "Aico.-d.iig to rehble inf. i (i.tii-u, ll.Ms are now b mg made up m .iru.-'tii.u:ii! and .luiiis in tiic iinv.;:e ' Westphai.j v' such itscii-.s iu . so-called un)tuiuctivc country men" lire t tm t;keii uitv uttil ui ;tntt Berlin, Oct. 10 The spreading prac- j rounds of Germany in chain-letter j i;me ,jei.rived of their lives. The first tice of "mercy killings." quietly advo- j fashion. ! transport left the institution at Man- Co ted by certain Nazi quarters, has! "For wal mon hs." the bishop ' enthal near Muensler in t;.e course tf come into the spotlight in Germany. Isald- "we have hcard Pwt ,hat this week Julv 31. Penal Code Cited Jio. 211 nf the Hfiih'i penal code ha- the force of the law which K,. ,.rc frnm TWI i frexennes.: -Whoever int. -ntional.y kills a peiMm at-t with with death because of n.urder ..11. An officially approved film. -Ich ' patients wno nave neen m tor a mug Klcge An" ("i accuse ), has made the tirr anfl perhaps appear to be in- : .t i -.I-., . . j r-. -fMiraV.l havp Vxn f.irrff nil v I tmoi. fi liue-iou oi K.i.iiit; meiuai aciKuvn. mval.d and th ,r,niraHv sick be-! from sanatoriums and asylums for the -s ' cause thev are "ur.oroductive" under the Nazi concept, one of public debate.! "ReguWl then, after a shoit time. At the same t.rae the outspoken j a relative received notice that the pcr-TS.vhnn rf Mnpnow Count Clemens1 son had died, t'ne hTH.lv had been ,.,.'r-,i u' ..j o .vna.'rmiP,l ad ih. ,!. ...M de. r " I'rot tf- willJ I'remed.t-t.ve .. . v. i . u ; . dllJt, lino iiioml O i t . , . . - . - - . - - - - - - oi Nazi "mercy deaths" and de- livcred. A suspicion. bordering on cer- lijunced the practice. Some months tainty, exists generally that these go the Lutheran Bishop Theophil numerous and unexpected cases of tne Vurm. of Wucrttembci g. also a tacked death of the insane don't happen of 'mercy deaths" teaching in a letter themselves but ate intentionally addressed to Adf.I; Hitler. i brought about, that the teaching Is I Kv, f.ll...,l . it, .. iTCUlKi k KJl . v lu vvi.lt.il ill n ' 1 1 IdiilS llldl , one may destroy the lives of so-calied ! 'persons unworthy to live and so kill innocent persons if one thinks their - lives are no longer of use to the nation and state." t .ii.!ro5. , . . h ti 9 ! t f .til initliitl. i,r ( .o!.i.ii-"!, l i l. i IS to I Ktl pj-.-ri.!. ahrw.iy l,je t-n tlrn fi-ni U,-.! ...il t V... tc . "Like An Old Mo.e" Go.i.k if. to t!,r- lrj'i. fc.rtt l.t ;. "nif .cy ticl'i ' t.'ie t..-!.p w i !.'.. "cru d.r.g to the J i.'i-iit ( Mtf.r ti.K . wt'iii ii i.tt to -.r p.ii ...n i t 4.n-.e coiium v,i.ri.1!.r !ur Up-iftf uniithy to lvr." kw- j . (t.i.l.i I to tl-.ee jii'lttmet,;., Ih.-V l- 1. l i 'utij i ii ii 1 1 ve ri'Ui.li j m ei " l j j.ijf. that tht-y i o l. tn ran t .... e thev aie I ke .n .lil nui Hir hf V ! f ft ns. ..a ft, j. ; !:. to I . . i . 1 i . i . I- ..4 - Hazards At Home "Soi Of C' L lf" "; o .1 .t K .r ! ... i-m t. i- -.i ;-..t n .., . ) t il ff 1 J I .) !. I...' f . . Belated Regrets 4 Defies Gestapo B.t.hop Galen, who unhesitatingly: s:aks Ills mind and of late has even! ctfied the Gestapo, warned that if thei principle of -killing unproductive! 4Vrm'nrrtnrftt" i tr r.pft(Trinl lKn i . I ..U V V.'. fc. 1.3 1 t V m-i- Up ....... j even the lives of crippled war veterans i no I .titer nur; thev (e I We i I if be t.uneil out the t,ilf. i. i... .........i.K ociioeraiion. im piu.-iiel U,,,,,-. ;rv ie l.ke h i ii In or- liiKL't-r luik U t.at ii.--. ...,e h wi-h o h I !y kill tiio.-se ioor su k pervon. mi ni- ihI.;im-v" I , l.-u , , ..i bers of our frfir dicx (tmn tn. Un- Tl. .s. i t i..,t i . .e io punishment, the sick who jmc ii.tetuie.l u lh a Ume w. w ,!) . I ut-i . for death are transported from the. T tint tivr i -t'".' ? - Ni.. I wont . the' homeland to a d;1a-5t itwt.tu!n.n , ona. ium to thr ei.d ... t "As the cau-MT t death then, any H jmr Being Conceretd kmd of s.ck.iess g.ven Brcause the . n,lt ,MM1, rl urti , rr, n, rHl. body is immediately nemated. re'.- 1M .f. ri i,.,. t"sn ..fiM.. I.. r.m n.t k....t I. ...... uuce 't,r mn. Une ismv ikvlmt them. vUughtrr iln-in ihejr air n loi.grr ble In lull !1 ll nr (hntuiv. Itut comrrrtund tr rr mr bu Jl lie LlOtott ttl.'O r.littifi.1 t...u' m.fi i.i ..4 l-it.v "j.k.i. f1'i..w irr.liii. i.iir Tnis wa,- a reference to the cardinal l,.arnin f tUe M-rirnh-1 ;'..,!. brother nd -.lei. Untoftun.tr h.. a complaint with the State's man tx mg'. itk human W ri-uji" attorney and the poice riiesident in t.iod.Ht.ve l.un.; lw-irt. for l I His letter !ked "for the care. But have thrv tl.nebv f .) ' '' J r. 'n T3. . f.. tf ,i '.,... r w .d t i,t J... .- t , -- r " ' ! C . ' f, ( ... .;. f , j , i C.- t ! i J' f w t . ft "Nation Is Everything" ativrs and also the Ii.e Uter no longer establish whether the uk- ness really exLsted and what wa the cause of deatli." Protection Asked c,!rd and the aged aren't safe. "I have been soured that in the ! Nazi principle that the nation is every- he filed .Viinjitry ct tne Interior and m the 1 tnir.g and the individual nothing. o..:ce oi tne Keicn s Leader ot Knysi- "Unly what is of use to the nation Muenter V",1-a wc"-11 u"tLl""' wlw'uulraa oe a Dicing guioe tor wnat we co protection of threatened countrymen thcr I t t t Iv? Cor.u. no secret is made of the fact or don't do." Dr. Conti recently said, by action against an cTicial intending -Have vou, ).-ve I. the i U t, .r tr'a: a grest number ?l insane in Ger" letler' Quoting the bishop's murder." ,dv long s we -re t(ioct.ie. many already have been deliberately letter, continued: The bishop said he had received no lor a r .re .egarded ard m tne futur are to be: "U 15 a Rightful teaching which information that the police or the bv other, ' . . . If t . fi-.ce coi.de-l kea. he decried as recently as. would justify tiie murder o. the inno- State's attorney had nterfe.ed. that men have the t.rf.t t k-Il Vn- f5J!ti 'n. 3 sermon at.St' "'jcerit. which fundamentally permits -The first transport of innocent per- pioductue ffl'.ow creature and i! .1 Film Gets Wide Notice The f.'.m, which received widespread' and extensive prets notice, had its, premiere in the presence of Dr. Conti.' It is a story of a doctor and his young' ' Wife who is wracked by an incurable . ti.sea.se. Unable to find the means to check her illness, the doctor takes the p I.fe of h.s wife with an overdose of;-po.?cn upon learning she has only two rr.'-ths to live. j The film deals at length with the1 co::rt trie! of the aoctor on a charge cf murder but ends without the ver- eiid. leaving that to the audience. The, course of the evidence is an appeal made to the human side of the ca.se end a suggestion cf a change in the; present German law which would, for; example, permit medical commissions to decide whether a person should le- 1 gaily be given a mercy death. ; For Spadework j COURSE IN CLOTHES PSYCHOLOGY It's almost elementary . . . knowing that the rtjht clothes can give you the prorxr frame of mind md help you win whatever you're after. The np.ht suit can help you make the radc on the campus. The right suit helps you date the Rtrl of your dreams. Clothes change your mental and physical outlook. Come on in ... we won't Rive you a lecture course. Roland Hall clothes wt'.I convince you in a mirror appearance. Trie film undoubtedly was designed to do the necessary spadework, ' There is no reliable information as ; to how many thousands of Germans j Irt'dy . have been given a jnercy ri"at'-i. jtpparcistly through painless ' Catholic bishops, in a letter read h, al; churches laM June in which they warned that "Christianity was at stake in Germany." also made a "eet-ir.g generalized reference to mercy killing. Tnere arc sacred obligations of conscience," their letter said, ''from which no one can free us and which we must fulfil even if it costs us our own lives. Never under any circumstances may a liuman being, aside from war and justified self-defense, kill an innocent person." Bishop Elaborates B.s'nop Galen elaborated that statement in his sermon, now making the 1,1 W -..1- Saturday! Sensational A SALE OF 12.95, $15, 17.95, 19.95 50 UKCUIaAKLY li KKcaM.AKI.Y 25 !M-:cn?LAlMaY 11MJ5 20 KKCaiLAKl.Y What m ti n ,, rsr v ctrrt t. v.: .-a I