Saturday. premier LATE NEWS WASHINGTON, April 18, (AP) -Nellie Tayloe Ross, former of Wyoming, is expected in authoritative circles to begovernor come a member of the civil service commission. WASHINGTON, April 18, (AP)-Postmaster General Farley today President Roosevelt to lower or increase postage rates "as in. recommended immediate enactment of legislation empower. creasing business or the demands of the postal service may make ing necessary." PORTLAND, April 18, (AP)-A confederation of wet forces will enter the campaign as a united group in support of wet deleto the state constitutional convention on prohibition, delegates to which will be elected July 21. LONDON, April 18, (AP) -England's "'Queen of Diamonds," the former Lena Barnaco, who was recently divorced from Carlyle Blackwell, the former American film actor, died suddenly today. DACHAU, Germany, April 18, (AP)-Guards today killed three communists and wounded one who were attempting to escape from a concentration camp. LAKEHURST, N. J., April 18, (AP) -Lieutenant Charles Maguire, chief aerologist at the naval station, testified today the Akron hearing that weather research since the disaster Indie cated that by taking "any other course except that taken in the last few minutes" the airship might have avoided the storm which she crashed. LONDON, April 13, The house of commons was motte fied today that the king signed the measure whereby the govern ment can place an embargo on all Russian goods.