War Refugees Will Be Brought to U. S. WASHINGTON, June 9. -(P)- President Roosevelt said today 1,000 European war refugees will be brought to this country and housed in an unused military establishment at Fort Ontario, near Oswego, New York. The one thousand, Roosevelt said,, represented the total number of refugees now destined for this country. In a cablegram to Ambassador a Robert Murphy in Algiers, the President disclosed that refugees from southern Italy - are being moved to temporary havens in the Mediterranean "At the time," the cablegram continued, "I feel that it is important that the United States indicate that it is ready to share the burden of caring for refugees during the war. "Accordingly, I have decided that approximately 1,000 refugees should be immediately brought from Italy to this country, to be placed in an emergency refugee shelter to be established at Fort Ontario, near Oswego, N. Y., where, under appropriate security restrictions, they will remain for the duration of the war. "These refugees will be brought into this country outside of the regular immigration procedure just civilian interns from Latin- American countries and prisoners of war have been brought here. "The emergency refugee shelter will be well-equipped to take good care of these people. It is contemplated that at the end of the war they will be returned to their homelands."