LONDON, 26. s Hil HKJJAY in tke Forenoon Dispatches were received at tbe Admicalty, by Capt. Melcombe, es gbe Rattlesoake (formerly he-i lenging to. Congress) from Admiral Graves, dated the 291h or October, statine, that on the i8th, öf the same Morrth, the gallant Lord Cornwallis, together with 7000 Meo, the Flowec of the Britifh Troops in America, capitulated to the French General, Mons. de Rochambeatk, and the Rebel Troops under tbe Command of Mr. Wasliinton. The Paiticulars of jthis melancholy veot aie as follow. On the L2th, General-Washington had pro-teeded within 600 Yards of York-Town, aqd in, the ,-course ot a few Hours killed 140 of Lord CornwaUis's Men, by throwing a confiderabie Number of Shells into his Entrenchmeuts. Find-jng the Britifh General determined to hotd out, they proce.eded to work in a zig-zag Direction-kowards the Town, and which. they were enabled lo do, 8 the Ground was sandy, without much Interruption from Lord Cornwallis, as he had no Cannon above. a twelve Pound.Calibre. On the 1 8th, tjiey had approached within 20 Yards of the Parapet, and then fent a Summons, demanding his itnmediate Surrender, as in cafe bf a Storrn no Charter would be given. - The brave Cornwallis, in this Situation, called a Council of War; and not knowing that on the 19t h, the Fleet under the Command. of Admiral Graves, on board of which was Sir Henry Clinton with 7000 Troops, had failed from New-York to bis Reliefs capitulated on the same Terms fit is said) granted to General Burgoyne at Saratoga. " I On the Day preceding his Lordfhip's Surrender, he made a desperate Sally, which was attead-ed with every Adyantage tnat could be lopked for; the Enemy s. Corps de Bombardiert, being most-3y cut to Piecesi and many of their Guns and fortified Works rehdered ulejess. Admiral Greaves, after this JastJSvent. continued two Days in Light of the French Fleet, jbut they declihed every Invitation to engage Wxn. In this Situation, a Council of.War was held on board the London ; when it was unani-mously resolved to retürn to New-York, at which Place the Fleet arrived on the 28 th Ult. It für-ther appears by the Dispatches that his Majesty's ,Ship the-Charon, commanded by Capt. Symons; was burnt at York. River, by a Shell from the Shore.