THE LATTING OBSERVATORY. The New York Mirror gives the following account of this mechanical wonder, erected near the Crystal Palace: Ibis heliered to ba the loftiest wooden structure in the world; and it is as strong as it is lofty. ingenious plan by which the timbers are A terlocked is novel; and every visitor is satisfig one vie that more complete security cannot be desire or imagined. The entiro building covers four lots ground. The tower itself, which is planted upon solid rock, is an ectagonal pyramid, 5 feet in diameter at the baser and rising to the enormous hoight of three hundred y feet! The approach to this tower be through an arched entrance, fronting on 2d strect. On ench side of the entrance will do 02 continuote line of Bazaar stalls, for the ale of fancy articles, confec tions, Immotiately above this will be the Indies' Teo-Cream and refreshment Saloon. The ground floor of the tower will contain the Gentlomen'a Refectory. The oficers of the observatory will be on the second floor. The third floor will be occupied by the exhibition of cosmoramic views, dioramic and other paintings, scientific apparatus, &c. The various stores or landings above will pre-| sent collections of rare and elegant specimens of art, and various arrangements for high-toned | and rational amusement. The higher landings | will be furnished with telescopes for the use of visitors; and on the most elevated floor will be / placed a superi rument, which will afford • clean, and, we need not Bay, most impressive view, commanding a distance, over land and occan, bay and river, of 50 or 60 miles! The the winding stairense, or, visitor prefers ascent of this wonderful tower, will be made by it, by a car, in which ho may sit in ease and wafety, and be gently raised by steam power to the highest apartment. 'The projector of this enterprise, and of the structure, which is the admiration of the architeet as well as of the unskilled visitor, is War-| ing Latting, Esq., of this city, who has associated with himself some of our most enterprising capitalists: the joint stock company having capital of $150,000, under the title of The Latting Observatory Association. SCENE -A FEMALE A to I at care. on way. and RECEIVEDThe Bible Bible 5th very the