Stricter X-Ray Control Drafted BALTIMORE (AP) - New reg. ulations which will put X-ray facilities in Maryland under stricter control have been drawn up by the Maryland Health Department. The rules must be approved by the Board of Health and Mental Hygiene before they go into effect. Health Department officials said Friday that more than two-thirds of X-ray machines of Maryland dentists tested last year required modifications to meet minimum standards. •About 70 per cent of the medical X-ray facilities in clinics and hospitals failed to meet the standards. The health department plans to inspect all X-ray installations in the state to insure compliance with minimum standards. The new rules proposed by the department will require registration of all facilities except those with only a low level of radiation. The regulations will control transportation of radioactive materials and will forbid use of X-ray shoe fitting machines. Most of the provisions aim at requiring adequate shielding of the machines and limiting the size of X-ray beams to cut out unnecessary radiation.