falling-rapidly. NATION DIES, BERLIN GIVEN FULL CONTROL President: Yields to Nazi Demands, Steps . Uut; Country IN ow Reich State. VIENNA, March 1 3. -4P) Austria ceased to be a nation Sunday night and became Dart of Adolf Hitler's German reich, extending from the North sea almost to the Adriatic. The end of the political freedom of ancient Austria was achieved by two legal steps: iMrst, President Wilhelm Miklas resigned. He had opposed the nazification of his country. Then, Arthur Seysz-Inquart, the Hitler-chosen chancellor, took charge of the government under constitutional authority provided for such emergency and announced decrees legislating Austria out of existence. Anschluss (union) of Austria to Germany was accomplished at the height 'of a great wave of nazi" sentiment, vastly stimulated by Hitler's presence on the soil of his native Austria. He spent the day at Linz. 100 miles west of here, deferring the climax of his triumphal homecoming, his entry into Vienna. Near L,mz ne visitea tne graves of his parents. President Yields to Nazi' Demands The death blow to Austrian independence was administered in the historic chancellery where the congress of Vienna was held in 1814-15 and where in 1934 Engelbert Dollfuss, the little chancellor who fought nazidom, was assassinated. It was a prosaic but tense session of the Austrian government. Mikias stepped ou at Seysz-Inciuart's demands. Then Seysz- Inquart took charge and it was all over in a minute. The Austro-German border had been wiped out. Messages immediately went to Hitler at Linz and to his ally, Premier Mussolini in Rome, In a few minutes it became known in the streets, where deliriously happy nazis went wild. In the first excitement there seemed to be no mourning for the old Austria. A new day was being hailed by a united German people and the world wondered what next. Plebiscite Set for April 10 N Then "the news was flashed to the ends of the earth. Statesmen everywhere realized they were face to face with an entirely new situation in Europe. The absorption of Austria seemed to be final and complete, but provision was announced for some sort of plebiscite on April 10. The exact question to be put to the Austrian people was not known, but it was assumed they would be asked merely to approve an accomplished fact. There seemed no doubt-the new nazi Austria would approve. Austria, it was made clear, "will be drawn immediately into the German economic structure and articulated to Germany's four-year plan for economic self sufficiency. At Linz where Hitler and his aids consulted it was announced Germany had adopted laws with the same provisions as Austrian constitutional laws making effective the union of the two states. A second announcement said Hitler had become chief of the merged Austro-German military forces and that Austrian soldiers immediately were to take an oath of loyalty to the reich and der fuehrer. Other functions of the two states, now one, were being drawn together. The general policies of the: German states were to be taken over into Austria, One significant statement wag that Austrian Jews would not be permitted to wear the swastika. Both Sexes fto Vote in Election Ministers of the old chancellery said the new German nation was to be a land of youth and vitality. Thus persons of both sexes who have reached, the age of 20 will be permitted to vote in the coming plebiscite. No objections to the new order were visible on Vienna streets this historic night. . A radio broadcast stated the anschluss decree, in five articles: "1. Austria is a land of the German reich. '. . "2. On April 10 there will be a free and secret plebiscite In which German men and women (this may exclude Jews) may vote. "3. The plebiscite shall be decided by a simple majority of the votes cast. "4. To carry out other modifications in the form of the state new decrees will be issued. "5. These laws become effective upon announcement (at once). Enthusiasm Spurs Hitler Action There were indication this union of German-speaking states came sooner even than Hitler had hoped. It was understood he had seen this step as a "venture to be undertaken within a few months, but decided to go ahead with it when he visited Linz. where he arrived Friday, and saw the almost fanatical enthusiasm of the Austrian people. The union created an entirely new problem for the states of central, and southeastern Europe. Half of . Czechoslovakia is surrounded by the new German state. Italy,' Hungary and Yugoslavia have seen, their weakUnj neighbor Austria become part of a mighty power. Hitler made Franz von Papen, his ambassador to Austria, a member of the national socialist party and gave him the gold cross of honor in appreciation of his activities in Vienna. It was Von Papen, the kaiser's military attache at Washington in early World war days and a one-time chancellor of Germany, who went to Vienna for Hitler to direct the process of nazification. It was hewho hailed the now fallen Austrian chancellor Kurt