Nine Sentenced For Pogrom Roles WARSAW, Nov. 27 Another step In thc somewhat mysterious judicial proceedings initiated ,by the Polish government after the Kielce pogrom has been completed with the sentencing of nine people at Kielce to prison terms for their part in the killing of 40 Jews Inst. July 4, it was learned Wednesday. This was the second trial arising out of the pogrom. Fifteen persons were accused and six acquitted. One was sentenced to life imprisonment, and the others, including two policemen charged with neglect of duty, to terms ranging frem two to 15 years. Authorities have surrounded the proceedings with as much secrecy as possible, It seems certain, however, that virulent anti-Semitism in Poland has prevented the government from cracking down on the perpetrators of the pogrom as toughly as is said it Planes Help Fishing Boats in Ice Battle MOSCOW, Nov. 27 More than 550 fishing vessels and their crews have been rescued from sheet ice of thc northern CnspUm sen lifter im epic struggle between seamen and the ele- A dispatch from Astrakhan in Prav-da Wednesday reported that an icebreaker and three steamers are on their way to rescue 200 other vessels still icebound. Crews of ships are being flown supplies which are dropped from planes flying from dawn to dusk over the shimmering ice.