Sara Alice Brown, widow of Da• vid C. Brown. died of complications. at the home of her daughter. Mrs. | | | | Charles MT. Carbaugh. 944 Corbett! street. this city, Saturday nigbt at| 3 o'clock. aged $2 years. following an illness of two years. She was born at Wollsville. Frederick county, the daughter of Hen-: ry and Lavinia Lumm. For the past 40 years she had been a resident of the Smithsburg section. She had lived with her daughter here during tbe past two years. The following children survire: sons. Orville. Leitershurg: Ruben. Smithsburg: Stanley. Hagerstown:| daughters, Mrs. Bessie V. Toms. Washington, D. C.: Mrs. Mary D. Miller. Smithsburg: Mrs. Elisabeth Sisler. St. Louis. Mo.: Mrs. Fannie F. Spielman. Washington, D. C.:| Mrs. Marjorie Brown, Smithsburg: Mrs. Alice M. Smith. Smithsburg: Mrs. Miriam K. Harbaugh, Hagers. town. and Mrs. Margaret E. Rob-: erts. Fryeburg. Maine. Forty grand-: children and 35 great grandchildren: also survive, Funeral Tuesday afternoon from the home of her daughter. Mrs. Harbaugh. leaving the house at 1:30, with services in Mt. Bethel; Methodist Church. Frederick conn-! ty, by the Rev. Mr. Jones and the Rev. Arthur Garvin: interment in cemetery adjoining. Six of her grandsons will servo as pallbearers. Harry S. Martin. 627 North I.orust i | :