Brothers In Movie Debut Maureen O'Hara's young broth. ers, Charles FitzSimons, 27, and James 23, made their film debut al Republic Studios in John Ford's "The Quiet Man," In which their illustrious sister stars with John Wayne. The Technicolor praduction comes to the Twin City Theatres soon. Charles, the eldest, has had a colorful And varled career. He Joined the Abbey Heheatre school at the age of 15. school less than & year when he won his first part. Despite his early display of talent, he conlinued his schooling and graduated with B. degree in legal and polifical science. Following this he went to law school and qualified AS Barrister of Law. IL was While scouting locations in Europe for "The Quiet Mnn" that Ford saw young Charles In a play and was inunediately signed for role in the big Technicolor film. James Lilburn's career has been somewhat different, but leading towards the sanie end. James had 2 histrionic career with the Abtey Players and his specialization was Gaelic drama, One of the outslanding plays in which the brothers appeared together was "Fernando and the Dragon," In which Charles portrayed Fernando and James the dragon. James' claim to fame 15 broader than the theatrical field. He is one of Ireland's leading motorcycle racers and a star midget auto racer..