-- -- !Nazis Determined ITO Complete Mass I ons !Exterminati Ration- WASHINGTON June 12--tt — President liotpevelt reported today that the Nit despite the fact that they f complete military deleat--" !gram of mass extermination" es-Idetermined to complete their p hal- minorities i In a report On steps taken the government to provide ref Dis-' for victims of Nazi cruelty have fled Europe Mr Roost lat-:said this nation was appalled ' the systematic persecution ap-helpless minority groups by Nazis" ll-ei Mad Extermination As the hour of tile final ' " 'feat of the hitlerite forces drt closer the theory of their inst 'desire to wipe out the Jewish r in Europe continues undimint ed' the President said "This is but one exam dur- Many Christian groups also I being murdered Knowing ti eF-1 har-i Iu-! !s I WASHINGTON June 12---(11P) —President Itofpevelt reported to Congress today that the Nazis-! despite the fact that they face complete military deleat—"are l !determined to complete their program of mass extermination" of m i malt ies 1 In a report on steps taken by the government to provide refuge for victims of Nazi cruelty who have fled Europe Mr Roosevelt said this nation was appalled "by the systematic persecution of !helpless minority groups by the Nazis" Mad Extermination ! "As the hour of tile final de-1 feat of the hitlerite forces draws closer the theory of their insane ! desire to wipe out the Jewish race! in Europe continues undiminish- ed' the President said This is but one example: Many Christian groups also are being murdered Knowing that they have lost the war the Nazis are determined to complete their program of mass extermination This pro-rram is but one manifestation of huler's aim to salvage from military defeat victory' for Nazi principes—the very principles which this war must destroy unless we shall have fought in: 'vain" The President reported on arrangements made to bring Immediately to this country approximately I000 refugees-predominately women and children who fled from central Europe into southern Italy They will be placfd in a vacated army camp at Ft: Ontario near Oswego N Y and will be returned to their homes at the endof the wars ( i Lzp t4It 4(A sERct T FG v TAT C) 1 ' V 1 1 " latemef --7-- 1 - I euAll 1 -- 1 1 - I 1 is -0 87mDsi — 1 ------f----1 7- - t pft '--iJ '-:'''r-:- ':----:' ' t -4 - ----4 — -----4-"-)ta"'i-4 xt ' 41 VOE em "Guess that'll stop 'um from veiling to pass the gravy!" President said The President explained that arranged in the world to care for is but one example: it was essential to take action these people 711ristian groups also are without delay" in order to save as V - turdered Knowing that many persons as possible from Airprops Score ve lost the war the Nazis German persecution !mined to complete their He pointed out that despite 6-1 Victory Over of mass extermination this government's efforts and appro-rram is but one man- pels for an end to savagery in Douglas Aircraft n of haler's aim to sal- Europ e the number of persons im military defeat victory 'actually rescued was small corn- OKLAHOMA CIT June 12— principes—the very prin- pared with the number still facing t up —Tinker Field Airprops 'Inch this war must des- extinction in German territory scored a 6-1 victory over the ess we shall have fought in: "This is due principally" he 'said "to the fact that our enem- Douglas Aircraft Plant Skytrains 2resident reported on ar- les despite all our appeals and at Tribe Park here yesterday nts made to bring im-our willingness to find havens of Lt Dave Barkman Airprops ly to this country approxi- refuge for tile oppressed peoples manager and No I pitcher end- I000 refugees-Predomin-'persist in their fiendish extermin- cd the unbeaten record in Tribe-)men and children who ation campaign and activelv pre- : park boasted by the Skytrains by m central Europe into vent the intended victims from keeping seven hits well scattered Italy They will be plac- escapine to safety" during the melee vacated army camp at Ft: Mr Roosevelt said refugees A four-run splurge y the Tinknear Oswego N Y and fleeing to southern Italy increas- er crey in the third frame with 'eturned to their homes atied the burden on military auth— four hiLs a walk and a fielder's of the war orities there and that the Amen- choice put the game on ice for Immediate Action I can camp was one of many being the Airprops m ''ieo'''?'f'''fti : 't : -: 4 c' - - p7A 1-'t' 44 - ' ' - ---:4N '''' - 40-0 4I 1 i i1 -' 37 1 I !TX:1 ---: ' ') somDSI L 1 ' - '' rolo c Nii-ii J1 ' L : --ff----sa-"--:- 1-! - ir:71 - - 5 a dec-Y c' ( ::-11 : i :? 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