CONNEAUT. Special Correspondence of the Courier. W. B. Plant, of Jamestown, was through this section Monday looking for potatoes. The price being paid is 30 cents for choice lots. The boy3 in this section have their corn husked and have turned their attention to the hunting of rabbits, of which a goodly number are being caught. The revival meetings which have been in progress, at Frey Chapel for some time, bave closed with a small addition to the church. W. The Sanderson homestead was the scene of a notable family reunion on the 9th, the occasicn being the 82d birthday of Mrs. Nancy Sanderson. The aged lady and her son, Wm. E. Sanderson, reside on the old farm upon which E. W. Sanderson settled with his family in 1854, and where he died in 1876. The four children living, two daughters, Mrs. Cordelia, wife of H. A. Greenfield, and Mrs. Sarah, wife of W. R. Greenfield, and two sons, William and Henry, and a son-in-law, C. Brooks, whose wife died about two years ago, all residing within short distances of the old home, were present with their families. Mr. Edward R. Sanderson, a nephew, and wife, and Mr. L. Hause and wife, the latter a niece, all of St. Clair county, Mich., were also among the guests. The aged lady was chief in preparing the bountiful dinner which was a feature of the pleasant reunion.