SUNDAY MORNING MAY 14 1933 Day By Day sWith Governor Pai f arson: It la a ad atrang freak of fortune which ha dogged the footetepa of Lindbergh to make him old and worn before hie time and to break the heart of hi wife robbing her of the first Joy of motherhood “More helpful than all wisdom U one draught of simple human pity that will not forsake us” So wrote George Eliot This human pity ha gone out unstintedly tq this stricken pair but their ia a wound so deep that no sympathy however sincere and general can heal To have their infant son kidnaped from their home even if the child had been returned sound and well would have been a bitter ordeal but we can never know the horrible soul torture these two endured when days lengthened into weeks without a clue as to the baby’s whereabouts Then when the quest finally ended as the child was found dead with its skull crushed an) decomposition of Its body setting in words are weak Indeed to discribe tha agony of the father and mother Their cup of sorrow was full to overflowing The gloom which encompassed them was black and forbidding and seemed impenetrable For Lindbergh to appear in court and go through all the detail of the baby's disappearance and death before a gasping crowd of onlookers who had assembled in a Washington court house to hear the case against Gaston Means was to further test those nerves of steel which once carried him in hie solitary flight across the seas and which he had to rely upon to meet the darkest tragedy of the century Then if all this waa not enough for two human beings and parents to bear Means in his own defense has made the assertion that Lindbergh identified another body for that of hia child that tha kidnaped infant may be still alive and well so far as anyone knows Try to imagine tho gnawing doubt thus sown in the fathers mind even ihough ha may feel and know tha criminal waa not speaking the truth In all the sorrow that oppresses him Lindbergh has proved a moral hero and while no plaudits now ring In his ears another crown adorns hia brow richer and more resplendent than the one he won aa the intrepid lone eagle of the air Ae our hearts go out in pity for Lindbergh and hie wife we think of the black crime of kidnaping how heartless and despicable it is and to what depths of depravity men will descend for money Our thoughts then take a wider range aa we see across the page of American history the dark and bloody smear of other Crimea which have given this country its bad eminence for lawlessness among the nations and Tilled the minds of reflecting people at home with so much dread and misgiving Tha statement which admits of no denial that human life ia less safe in tha United States than in any other land that pretends to civilisation should arrest our attention It ia indeed a disheartening comparison which shows that for every eight deaths by homicide per 1000-000 population In London there are 83 In New York City and 141 in Chicago This though does not tell tha whole atory for in many cities of less else thft murder rate la very' much larger than In Chicago and New York I have not seen the last published statistics but those available for 1931 give a murder rate for Birmingham of 549 per 100000 thousand population Memphis 522 Atlanta 195 and Jacksonville 485 I select these southern cities for their extremely large homicide rates which I understand have remained practically the same since with tha exception that Memphis has displaced Birmingham and now maintains her old time prominence ae the leading murder city of the country We are in the habit of thinking of Chicago as a lawless city and ao It la but for every person to die in Chi cago aa tha result of felonious violence there are almost five to thus die in Memphis ' It is not though of Memphis that 1 am now writing unsafe aa Ufa is in thia community and bad aa It the general at biosphere of lawlessness which prevails but of the country as a whole Wa have gotten into the loose habit of blaming thia crime condition largely on our foreign born population and have been deceiving ourselves by so doing As a fact those cities having the highest murder rata in tha Unitad States which X have named have only a small per centage of foreign born population Thus in Memphis In 1930 when the white population was given aa 131-266 and the negro ae 98550 making a total of 247810 there were only 8262 foreign bom residents This proportion of foreign to native born pooulatlon will hold substantially true for the other southern cities while in cities like New York Chicago Philadelphia and Boston tha foreign bom are very much larger and the murder rata very much less In Boston out of a total white population of approximately 750000 in 1930 there were about 200000 foreign born while the homicide rate waa only 26 per thousand Tha asms facts will apply to many mailer cities where the homicide rate la comparatively low and tha foreign bora population comparatively large So in fairness if not in Justice to our foreign bom we should put the responsibility for crime in our country where it belongs which ia attributable in large degree to our lawlessness as a people I have only spoken of homicides in our country hut in about every department the record ia evil and forbidding Crimea against the person and property are not confined to particular states or cities Rural imputations too are thus affected and every part of tha country in varying degree According to Dr Hoffman the statistician of tha Prudential Life Insurance Company tha greatest Increase in crime has lately taken glace at a time when Immigration aa declined to the extent that there are more people now leaving tha United Statee than are coming in Our civilisation is still a disordered one and gives no present Indication of improvement The conditions which exist are the result of our failure to understand and train our youth and tho bad examples wo act before them They have grown up in environments and associations which do not moks for tho highest development of character and morel otamina Wo too often imagine when we build expensive school houses and tax ourselves to support them that we have done our part by children but while affording them the facilities for thia kind of education we have failed too often to educate them In discipline and In appreciation of the worth while things of life This generation bewails the crimes of youth without ever considering that it ia to a great degree responsible for them that in our money lust and tolerance of evil we have ourselves lost tha way and in a manner are unfit to lead othera to tho light of true understanding We bitterly complain at the financial depression and catch at every straw for relief but pay little heed to the morel depression which has gripped ue and ia pulling us under We grow excited and condemnatory when some one takes our money and almost without proteat we alt by and see a auccessful robbery of the ballot box and tho deprivation of our rights as eitlsens Wa hava come to bo almost too surprised for Indignation and so long as wa fall to aat the proper values on honeaty and character wo can never hope to become a law abiding independent and cultured people Wa may learn soma day that trade depressions are closely allied with moral depressions traces of tha will to peace Thus though war may ba averted for a “ — there can ba no peace in Eu-in there can ba no sense of aecurity there can be no progress in disarmament Inevitably whatever ba amid at Geneva or elsewhere nations of Europe will be strengthening their armemente and tightening up their alliance And so only a change of heart nd mind within Germany can restore a sense of peace to the world logic of the present course can only to wer On whet may one the hope of such a change of and tor The lead base — heart? I do not know unless it be that an economic recovery in the world will lift Germany out of the morass of its distress end restore to the German people their faith in the works of peace We ere entitled to believe that thia might happen For the German nation has shared long and deeply ip the labor and invention and spiritual life of western civilisation Those Who have known the German people have traveled among them have worked with them have marveled at their skill and the perfection of their workmanship have understood their deep respect for learning their kindliness and their humor do not have to believe that these Nasi bonfires symbolise the German spirit In the long history of a people they are mood of a moment a mood of the t wild despair brought to its peak by the intense agitation of the revolution through which Germany is pass-“? n analogy one must look I think to the darkest days of the flench revolution to Robespierre “ramP1e who art out to "swsk-i France with a new state religion under which it wss said that “all were atheists who did not think like Robespierre” The moods pass These bonfires “ k quenched somehow at wont n the Wood and the tears of men hut perhaps by cool waters from the prinfi of human decency Today and Tomorrow By Walter Llppmenns — STATES OF MIND THE BURNING OF THE BOOKS The bonfires lighted in Germany by tha Nasla hava not of course destroyed all tha books that displease the minister of propaganda and public enlightenment 'They hava merely destroyed a few samples of those books The invention of the printing press has made It forever impossible that any government no matter how thoroughgoing or that any new barbarian invasion howsver destructive should again extirpate any part of tha intellectual heritage of mankind Thera ia no longer any danger that the body of learning will be mutilated as so much of tha learning of the ancient world has been through fires and earthquakes and carelessness and fanatic seal of each work too many copies exist and they art too widely distributed The bonfires are as the Nails have carefully Informed the world meant to be symbolic No one will doubt it They ere indeed highly symbolic They symbolise the moral and intellectual character of the Nasi regime For these bonfires are not tha work of schoolboys or mobs but of the present German government acting through Ur minister of propaganda and puhlie enlightenment ropetn peace the conclusion ia unea-capable however dreadful it may be to contemplate it that tha Nasla deliberately and systematically mean to turn the mlnda of tha Carman people to preparation for war That Hitler does not desire and will not provoke a European war In tha near future we may very well be-Have A war would destroy him His army la no matrh for the armlee of the French the Poire and the Cxecha His Nasi battalions are fit only to overpower the unarmed and defenseless opposition within Germany To fight a war Hitler would have to put arms into tha hands of the millions bf German workingmen and that la something which unleaa ha can win their loyalty would ba an net of suicidal lunacy Hitler's Germany la utterly Isolated It would get no help from Italy It haa so deeply outraged tha aentlment of the British people that it haa thoroughly estranged them - Though the situation la one in which by every eana calculation the Nasla are powerless except within their own frontiers it is not possible to feel entirely certain that the peace will be preserved Tha danger that hangs over Europe lire In the fart that the moet energetic of the Nasi leaders are in a mood of mystic exaltation and feel that they are Invincible and infallible When men are In such a mood they often do not know that two and two makes four They are unabla to aee tha realties Thera la tha danger to put it plainly Ahat under tha influence of mob feeling and tha fumes of their own rhetoric they will go mad and attack someone who has power to atrika back How great this danger is no one can be certain for no one can be quite certain ae to Juet how far the hysteria will run The hope that It will not run to the point of an explosion on the frontier! would eeem to rest on two things: The strength of the French army and the persecution of the Jews The French nrmy will for the time being restrain ail those in Germany who have not takrn complete leave of their enaes The perarrutlon of the Jews by eatiefylng the lust of tha Nasla who feel they must conquer somebody and tha cupidity of those Nasla who want Jobs la a kind of lightning rod which protects Europe It may serve aa a temporary substitute for tha glorious victories over all of Germany's foes that Hitler has promised hia followers And what la It that they symbol ixe? Nothing less than tha conviction of tha present rulers of Germany that violence la tha means by which human problems must be aolved Why for example do they bum with conspicuous seal a book Ilka Erich Maria Remarque's “All Quiet on the Western Front" T That took haa nothing to do with Communism or the treaty of Veres llle or tha Weimar Republic or tho Jews It la a novel which deala with the pitiable sacrifice of mankind m war It ia thrown to tha flamea In the presence of tha mlniater of propaganda and puhlie enlightenment as symbolic of tha “awakening” of Germany Awakening to what? It it to peace and to conciliation and tha making of a more just and orderly Europe nr Is It to the conviction that tha Nasi purposes must ba achieved by fire and sword Tha omlnoua symbolism of these bonfires Is that than ia a government In Germany which means to teach ita people that their salvation Ilea in violence What elea can the civilised world make of these bonfires? Had the Naxia burned onlv the hooka of the German Republic or Communist hooka the world might soy it has witnessed an episode in a civil war Had they burned only books by Jews tha world might say that the Nuia wert persecuting tha German Jews But when they make a special play with elaborate ritual and under official sanction of bum- are putting ing hooks that print tha road to Eu- under military discipline and that The Commercial Appeal Twenty-five Years ago ms MAY 14 19C6 Shreveport La: A tornado swept through Caddo end Boaoir parishes today wiping away tha towns of Gilliam and Bollinger and badly damaging Oil City Four persona an known to hava boon killed and several injured Knoxville: Tho Tennessee grand council of tho Junior Order of United American Mechanics in convention hero today elected tha following of fieri : J H Donaldson of Unitia vice counsellor J N Edens of Elliabethon state councilor J W Drummond of Knoxville secretary J T Blosely of Mohawk treasurer J Mustek Hall of Memphis conductor J P Minnie of i Chattanooga warden Marion Tucker of Nashville inside sentinel A J Harris of Greenbrier chaplain Eugene Martin of Naahvlle Jess 8 Cottrell of Knoxville and 8 L Car-son of Carson trustees J M Baker today cold certain land of the William tract to tha Bank of Cora meres A Trust Co for 835000 the somo bonk bought from Patrick Kallahar property at comer of La-Rooo and Alston for 815000 and Max Heilbronner sold lota in the Carey and Johnson subdivision to the bank for $31000 The bank bought from C D M Greer several lota in the Carey and Johnson tract for 813000 All the property la for tho new Mem phis Union Station Co Tho scholastic population of Memphis ao given in the report made to the school board by J W Penn shows there ara 48030 school children Following officers today were looted by members of tho Beethoven Club: Mrs Jason Walker president Mrs E T Tobey Mrs M T Roush and Mrs Mario Greenwood Guiberson vioo presidents Mrs E L Stapleton corresponding sacra tary Miss NeU Thomas recording secretary Mrs William GllfUlan treasurer Mrs W L Louder Mrs John G Little Mrs Jacob Bloom Mrs R J Darnell Mrs J M Mo Cormack Mrs G F Gunther Mrs A I Falls Mrs John Oliver Mrs J W Price Mrs Charles W Grif-fith and Mlaaea Elizabeth Moeby and Annie Dickson board of directors Fire last night destroyed the Dick on Lumber Co at Cooper Street and the N C St L Railroad Low ia estimated at 10000 John J Mason deputy criminal court clerk today returned from Chattanooga where ha attended a meeting of the Knights of Columbus New York: Jack Atkin carrying top weight yesterday won tha fr-moua Metroplitan Handicap He waa held in the betting to 8 to 1 and was ridden by Jockey Shilling MOTHER'S DAY 1933 Roses white and rneca red Mothers living mothers dead Wonder rosea wet with dew Wa ara wearing juit for you Wa ara wearing theea today Tender tributes thus to pay Rosea wither with tha night Lova'a eternal like tha light Gardena grow In every heart Spirit blossoms spring and start These abiding blooms wa wear For our mothers everywhere Every blessed dawn that breaks Scatters flowers for their eskes Every daughter every eon For some mother chooses one Wears it outward every May Wean It inward every day Pays a tribute from the aoul Heart and mind a perfect whole He who aeea with spirit oyeo Knows a mother never dice Feels her presence all the while Warms beneath her loving smile Sanaea her ae always near Every day of every year Finds her dearer with each dawn Whether 'hiding whether gone Mothers roses these ara on To the daughter to the eon J God haa made them both sublime Both immortal both of time Touched with magic of the May Wear tha emblem due today Though your rose ba while or red Know your mother ie not deed -DAVID E GUYTON Blue Mountain Miea Today'i Horoscope Today Indicates an aspiring nature which will try to carry out plana in pita of opposition This ia wall if not carried too far but in‘ thia day It leads Into dangerous position and may eauaa calamity The higher the position the greater will ba tha fall Do not depend too much on your own powers but listen to the sifvlea of others even if you do not entirely follow it for some nf it will make an Important impression ' RCMY MAN'S CORNER Ha that dwelleth in tha secret piece of (he Most High hall abide under the shadow of tha Almighty -The Bible Psalm 81:1 - ‘