WOMAN Is Accused of Forgeries Prisoner, 'Tis Said, Admits Signing Father's Name To Ten Cheeks -Man Also Held. A woman, dressed stylishly and wearing jewelry, who says she is Mrs. Viola Johnson, 33 years old, was taken to detective headquarters yesterday by Detectives Dan Callahan and William Mahan to be questioned in regard to two charges of forgery. E. Earhart, manager of a garage at 125 East Seventh street, had sworn to a warrant for Mrs. Johnson's arrest, Shortly before she was taken into cus-| tody man who• registered as Joseph Schmalz, 31 years old, chauffeur, was arrested on two charges of securing money under false pretenses. Earhart also swore to a warrant for Schmalz's arrest. It is alleged that Mrs. Johnson forged her father's name to two checks which amounted to $10 65. Earhart, a friend of Schmalz, is said to have honored them. They were made payable at the First ¡Na• tional Bank. Detective Sergeant Morlar-| Ity says the woman admitted that she made the checks payable to herself, and requested Schmalz to cash them. Detectives say Schmalz admitted that he cashed the checks. The woman confessed, it is said, that she had forged her father's name to' 10 checks. Schmalz admitted, according to detectives, that he cashed eight of them. Her father, R. H. Langdale, Loveland, Ohio, did not sane. tion the transactions, it is said. The woman said that she had been married three times and divorced twice. | She stated that her husband's name is Frank Johnson and that he is a station• I ary engineer. Mrs. Johnson added that she dees not live with her husband. *Dr. Charles Langdale, receiving physician at the General Hospital, and Dr. Rupert Langdale, Northside dentist. are my brothers," the woman told. detectives. "Schmalz was a good man when I met him and I don't blame him for what has happened. I have wronged no one but my father. I will take the consequences. My father will get me out of trouble. am a graduate of the Conservatory of Musle and can tickle the keys as well as the next." -When asked by detectives if she had been arrested before the woman said: "I was brought here on a charge of drunkenness." Detectives sty other persons on whom Schmalz is alleged to have passed checks will prosecute. Both the accused woman and man registered as living at 912 Vine street. ON EDUCATIONAL WORK. D. C. Buell, of the Railway Educational Bureau, Omaha, Neb., was in the city yesterday calling on local officials. The composed of most of the railroads operating in the West. Mr. Buell's mission is to disburse information regarding Western travel and to create confidence in the mind of the tourist. He was the guest last night of a number of friends who had him to dinner. tratfle by. as or of discovery